Welding I introduces students to basic welding fabrication skills through hands on application in the shop. First year students will learn to correctly and safely set up and operate various power tools as well as cutting and welding equipment. The students will develop skills in the following topic areas.
Welding Shop Safety
Layout & Measurement Tools and Techniques
Welding Symbols and Blueprint reading
Welding Joints and Positions
(SMAW) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick)
(GMAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding (Mig)
Fabricate Various Projects
Second year welding students will continue to develop and apply the skills they have learned. Live work projects will be designed and built for customers using various welding and fabrication procedures. Advanced welding techniques will be taught and applied during this program including.
(FCAW) Flux Core Arc Welding
(GTAW) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
(OFC) Oxygen Fuel Cutting
(PAC) Plasma Arc Cutting
By completing this two-year program, all students will be given the opportunity to develop the skills required to pass the American Welding Society (AWS) Limited Thickness, Structural Plate Test.