Good Afternoon,
Today all students tie-dyed a shirt. Students did an excellent job listening and keeping the mess to a minimum. I am very proud of them!
That being said, each student has a plastic bag with a wet, dyed, t-shirt in it either in their hand or in their backpack. The tie-dye will be brighter if they leave it tied until tomorrow.
To process the shirt:
Undo the elastics. WARNING: Some students used marbles in their design. I do not need the marbles back, but I wanted to let you know if your family has younger children at home.
Rinse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear.
Wash in cold water. I often put new tie-dye in a towel wash to avoid staining clothes.
Thank you to Lauren Spencer, Erin Crosman, Jenny Whetstone, Shana Ferrara and Lindsay DeBery for all of your help today.
Monday is Hat and Tie-Dye Day! I can't wait to see how the shirts came out!
Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. P