August 5, 2020
Click to view Mrs. G-P's letter regarding the reopening plan. If the link in the letter does not work, view the plan at under LIVE FEED.
July 15, 2020
Check out the PES Quarantine Photos Video , created by Mrs. Polizotto, from photos she collected from families and staff.
June 19, 2020
Please note the PES food program has ended for the 2019-2020 school year, but the Y will provide meals during the summer, from June 29 - August 28. Click the links below for deta...
June 9, 2020
Drop Off Reminder: PES has a table set up at the entrance to the school through June 17. Please leave returning items, such as library or classroom books, on the table between ...
June 8, 2020
Please see Mrs. Polizotto's message below:
Good Morning, Just a reminder to send in your Quarantine Portraits to Mrs. Polizotto. I have received a lot of them so far, a...
June 4, 2020
The PES office is open on a limited basis during the summer months. The best way to reach us is by calling 389-1514 or by emailing Mrs. Doran at . We will respo...
June 4, 2020
June 5th Bus Parade Route Times are estimates and we'll try and update parents as we go along.
June 3, 2020
We’re coming to YOU to say good-bye and happy summer. On Friday, June 5th, your teachers and I will be hopping on the bus and stopping at your bus stop. We will begin at 12:00 ...
May 29, 2020
Phippsburg Elementary School June Prof. Development Plans
May 28, 2020
Thank you to Carol Reece, who is creating this year’s yearbook. The PTA will provide a yearbook for each 5th grader. Yearbooks ...
May 27, 2020
Thank you to Carol Reece, who is creating this year’s yearbook. The PTA will provide a yearbook for each 5th grader. Yearbooks cost $20 each. ...
May 20, 2020
People have been having difficulty opening the document that was first posted to the website, but it has been corrected. Any sharing will be appreciated, as the lottery closes o...
May 8, 2020
Explorer Log 31 MMM Summer Camp flyer Books for Bath Area Students Fundraising Letter Head Start flyer
April 30, 2020
Happy Teacher Appreciation and Nurse's Day next week! Explorer Log 30 Midcoast Maine Community Action COVID-19 Services Available
April 28, 2020
Remember, the Phippsburg School Meals Pickup & Delivery on Tuesdays & Thursdays Resumes Today, 10AM-12PM.