April 26, 2019
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
4/27/19 - Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA
4/29 – 5/5/19 – Screen Free Week
5/1/19 - 7th Grade DC 2020 Parent Meeting - 6PM
5/2/19 – Grade 1 & 2 Spring Concert and Art Show– 6:00 PM
5/2/19 – C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Open House for Pre-K 6PM at Dike-Newell
5/3/19 – RSU1 night at the Portland Sea Dogs
5/8/19 – Parent Info Night – incoming Kindergarten – 6:00 PM
5/16/19 – All bands & Chorus Concert and Art Show – 6:00 PM
5/16 & 5/17 – No Kindergarten Classes
5/16 & 5/17 – Kindergarten Screening 2019-20 Kindergarteners
5/17/19 – No PreK for students – Pre K Conferences
5/27/19 – Memorial Day – NO School
5/30/19 – Grades 3-5 Recorder Concert and Art Show - 6P
- We have almost 25 students who have joined the Boys and Girls Running Club, and 16 of them are ready to take on a 5K in June
- Pre-K had so much fun this week at WCS! We enjoyed a visit from grandparent volunteers who helped us plant marigold seeds! It was fun to play in the dirt and we can't wait to see the flowers bloom! We also enjoyed a visit from our veterinarian mom from Vet at Your Door. She shared tips to care for our pets and we all got to bandage a "hurt" stuffed dog! It was great fun and our students were great listeners! Thank you to our volunteers! We appreciate you!
If you haven't checked out the website lately, now is the time! It's New and Improved!! Please bear with us as we fine tune the site. Let us know what you think!
We are looking for Woolwich children who will be 5 years old on or before October 15, 2019 to join next year’s kindergarten class. If you know a child who fits the bill, please call Mrs. Lane at 443-9739 to sign up for screening. Parent Information Night is May 8 at 6:00 PM, and screening will be May 16 & 17. Paperwork packets will be sent out in advance. Spread the word!
Will your child be four years old on or before October 15, 2019? Interested in a FREE half-day Pre-K program? Get more information at the C.H.O.I.C.E.S Open House on Thursday, May 2nd, 6:00-7:00 at the Dike Newell Elementary School in Bath.
Applications will be available for the Program's lottery placement from 5/2/19 until 5/10/19 at 3:00pm. Lottery placement assignments will be held the week of 5/17/19.
Participating sites are at Dike Newell, Woolwich Central School, Phippsburg Elementary School, Children's School House, Head Start, and YMCA
Questions may be directed to Coordinator, Kate Brockett at kbrockett@rsu1.org
For any parents who would like to volunteer in PE class with Mr. Hutchings for their child's Jump Rope for Heart Event, here is the date and time that your child will have their event! Please be sure you have been approved to volunteer by filling out the Volunteer Registration Form and turning it in to the office. Hope to see a lot of you there! Thank you!
Kindergarten - Sample- Tuesday, April 30th (1:35); Plummer- Wednesday, May 1st (1:35)
1st Grade - Morin- Wednesday, May 1st (12:45); Olsen- Friday, May 3rd (12:45)
2nd Grade - Vise- Monday, April 29th (12:45); Pols- Tuesday, April 30th (12:45)
3rd Grade - Keefe- Monday, April 29th (1:35); Babcock- Friday, May 3rd (1:35)
4th Grade - Culley- Wednesday, May 1st (11:25); Emerson- Tuesday, April 30th (11:25)
5th Grade - Moran- Thursday, May 2nd (11:25); Lynch- Friday, May 3rd (11:25)
Please join us for the Spring Concerts and Art Shows:
Thursday, May 2 – Grades 1 & 2 in the Cafetorium @ 6:00 PM– Artwork in the Cafeteria and Hallway
Thursday, May 16 – Chamber Concert & Art Gallery Walk begins at 6:00 PM – Artwork will be displayed
in the Atrium and Hallway, and Small groups will sing and play music throughout the Gallery Walk.
All Bands and 6-8 Chorus Concert in the Cafetorium following the Chamber Concert & Art Gallery Walk
Thursday, May 30th – Grades 3, 4 & 5 Recorder Concert @ 6:00 PM in the Gym. Artwork will be displayed in the Cafeteria and Hallway
The first week returning from a vacation is usually much "healthier" than what I have experienced this past week. Lots of "tummy aches" still, some vomiting, some headaches. All this tells me that these stubborn viruses still persist and we have to be on guard against them. Getting more sleep than usual and drinking more water WILL HELP. A good hand washing technique, using plenty of soap and water, and washing for 30 seconds or more (sing “happy birthday” twice) to get the germs off, is a strong line of defense.
I am in the process of setting up next years flu clinic now. I am considering offering flu shots during the clinic to students whose parents have signed a consent form. Parents would not be present for the shot. Give me your feed back on this.
I will also be holding my last Dental Clinic of the year Tuesday, June 11. If you do not have a dentist and wish your child to participate (even if you never have before), contact me, as I still have plenty of time to get your student, or any child in your family, seen. Nurse Sherwood
Next Tuesday, April 30th, we will be celebrating Poem in Your Pocket at WCS! Students have been reading (and writing) poetry during National Poetry Month, and they have a selected poem to share with others next week. Please make sure to wear clothing with a pocket on Tuesday!
OM Kids coming to Woolwich
Woolwich Central School, grades Pre-K - 5, was selected for a Maine DOE grant to bring mindfulness practice into the classroom. Students will participate in 15 minute lessons on May 10th, 15th, 17th, and 22nd, led by Lee Sowles, founder of OM Kids. With today’s often fast paced technology driven world, research based mindfulness practice is making its’ way into schools as a teaching tool. Through classroom lessons and a video curriculum, students and teachers will have the opportunity to learn more about the practices of deep breathing, meditation, and self reflection. Mindfulness practice also engages students in the practice of empathy and spreading kindness to others. A quick five minute mindfulness exercise each day can bring focus in learning, increasing student achievement, as well as spreading kindness, which strengthens peer relationships.
Please visit www.omkidsmaine.org to learn more about the practice of mindfulness in schools.
The annual PTA Book Swap is coming in June! Bring in your gently used or new books to donate! You'll be able to choose from other gently used or new books that have been donated!
Drop off bins will be located in the lobby of the school or outside the library. There will be a tally sheet with the teachers names to mark down the amount of books being donated to your child's class. The class that donates the most books will have first dibs at the book swap!
We will accept any books in good condition except adult (books and magazines), baby and board books. And remember, the more books donated leads to a bigger and better book swap! And as always, thank you for supporting WCS.
The Fifth Grade Dance/Social for RSU1 is scheduled for May 31st at BMS! Andria Deitrick, of the Bath Elementary PTA is trying to organize a planning meeting with a representative from each school on Tuesday, April 30th. Please consider volunteering to help organize this event, which gives your 5th grader a chance to meet students they'll be playing sports with, and joining in high school! Please contact Andria Deitrick at
(619) 244-9836 or andria.deitrick@gmail.com Thanks!
Don't miss out!! RSU1 night at the Portland Sea Dogs is Friday, May 3rd! Follow this link to get your tickets https://groupmatics.events/event/Rsu1night
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
Woolwich Community Recreation
T-ball and Baseball Registration is open - sign up before the season starts on Tuesday!
T-ball for Kindergarten and 1st Graders:
Dates: April 30th - June 1st
Practices will be on Tuesdays at 5pm and 6pm (two teams), with scrimmages on Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30 pm and on Saturday, June 1, at 9am followed by a community BBQ.
Cost: $20, Scholarships available
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/ta7G6Z4pGN6v...
Baseball for 2nd - 5th Graders:
Dates: April 30th - June 1st
Practices will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 (two teams), with a scrimmage at 5:30 each Friday (both teams.) Last scrimmage will be on Saturday, June 1, at 10am followed by a community BBQ.
Cost: $25, Scholarships available
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/4fsxKXeGhE37...