Blue four toe paw print


November 15, 2019

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


11/25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:00PM - 6:00PM

11/25 & 11/26 - ½ Day school for K-8 students (dismissal at 12PM)


11/27 - 11/29 Thanksgiving Break

12/5 - Middle School Band and Chorus Performance 6:00PM


Great things are happening at WCS!

  • This Tuesday we celebrated veterans with a special assembly where students from grades 1 & 2 along with our middle schoolers, performed musical numbers for the community. Thank you to those who came to the assembly and to all veterans who work to keep us safe and free!



Come to the Harvest Supper to support the Woolwich Central School 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. We are serving homemade beef stew, bread, salads, pies and other desserts, coffee and drinks. The event will be held in our gymnasium on Saturday, November 16, 2019, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The cost is $3.00 per child 3-12, $5.00 Senior, $6.00 Adults, and $20.00 per household.

October “All Day, Every Day” Star Attendance Awards go to……….

Jackson Ambrose, Liam Austin, Bella Bachman, Charles Bachman, Ambrosia Bailey, Autumn Baillargeon, Sawyer Baldwin, Jaxon Blake, Kassidy Blake, Sheyanne Blake, Tucker Blake, Payson Bowling, Landon Brileya, Gracen Broadwater, Connor Campbell, Izabella Connor, Lilly Caron, Lilith Chandler, Callie Chesties, Brady Chubbuck, Grace Chubbuck, Harrison Colfer, Elliot Collamore, Lucy Cosgrove, Molly Cosgrove, Sadie Cosgrove, Ivan Costello, Elizabeth Cote-Miquelon, Sophia Courtney, Cole Creamer, Kendall Darling, Reese Darling, Madelyn Delano, Madelyn Delano, Maya Delano, Melia Delano, Meadow Furbish, Oscar Gallant, Kara Geisler , Thomas Gilbert, Tyler Gilbert, Sophia Gregory, Cameron Griffee, Lucas Griffee, Levi Gustafson, Joshua Harvey, Victoria Harvey, Delia Holloway, Jordan Hughes, Aiden Hutchinson, Emmalyn Hutchinson, Maragaret James, Sadie Jamison, Hendrix Jimenez, Hunter Johnston, Lillian Johnston, Kalea Jones, Bella Kahrl, Willoughby Kahrl, Shavelle King, Hailey Kirkpatrick, Brooklyn Komiega, Seth LeBourdais, Georgia Leeman, Holden Leino, Augustine Letendre, Ayden Levesque, Keith Libby, Jacob Lichman-Paul, Max Lichman-Paul, Caroline Luchies, Willa Luchies, Ava MacMahan, Thomas MacMahan, Colton Malcom, Hailee Malcom, Madison Malcom, Brock McCarren, Susanna McWalter, Hunter Mesplay, Finnegan Messina, Oliver Messina, Julie Miquelon, Isabella Morton, Kaden Murray, Khloe Murray, Tyler Nadeau, Zachary Orff, Isabella Orsini, Jordan Orsini, Ily Perry, Ellanora Pomerleau, Julius Richter, Lee Roberts, George Robicheaw, Helen Robicheaw, Steven Robinson, Boyd Rowe, Cash Rowe, Wyatt Rowe, Lilah Ryan, Eli Salazar, Caleb Schwarz, Dominic Schwarz, Hailey Schwarz, Davian Sewell, Megan Shipley, Audrey Simpson-Brown, Ella Slusher, Miller Stanton, Carter Susee, Valerie Swenson, Cleora Tarbox, Hayli Toothaker, Logan True, Colby Walker, Jacob Wallace, Matilda Wallace, Maeve Waller, Charli Ware, James West, Marina West, Noah Wyman 


We will be holding a Lockdown Drill on Thursday, 11/21 at 10:00AM. Similar to Fire Drills, the hope is that we can better prepare our students to deal with emergency situations. Please feel free to discuss the drill with your student and to reach out to the office with any questions.                              


Every winter, bad weather — snow, slush, freezing temperatures or even heavy rains — can present challenges to getting children to school; so do colds, fevers and earaches that often come with the winter months. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep Your Children Healthy

a. Dress them warmly for the cold weather (coats, hats, mittens, snow pants, etc.) We go outside most days for recess.

b. Stress the importance of eating a good breakfast every morning. 

c. Stress hand washing, particularly in the winter months. 

d. Talk to your doctor or school nurse about when a sick child should come to school. Most health providers allow a child to attend with a cold, but not with a fever. 

2. Develop back up plans for getting your children to school in bad weather.

SCHOOL SPIRIT WEEK 11/18 - 11/22

Next week we will be enjoying School Spirit Week here at Woolwich Central School! Here is the line up for what is happening each day:

Monday 11/18 - Hat Day

Tuesday 11/19 - Show Your Socks Day

Wednesday 11/20 - Wacky Wednesday (crazy hair, mismatched outfits, etc.)

Thursday 11/21 - Whiteout Day (wear white)

Friday 11/22 - School Spirit Day (blue and gold- show your Wildcat pride!)


You have an exciting opportunity to purchase some Woolwich Central School fan gear! The order form is available online at (Click Menu, then Documents, then Parent Resources.) Items range in price and many have the option to be customized with your name. The due date is November 22. You can return the form to your child’s teacher or to the office. I hope everyone enjoys the new items we are offering. There is something for everyone, even hair scrunchies. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me directly at  Thank you! ~WCS PTA


ALL students, grades K-8 will have ½ days with dismissal at 11:50AM on both Monday and Tuesday 11/25 and 11/26. WCS conferences will only be held on Monday 11/25 from 12:00PM - 6:00PM.

Once again, we will be scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences online with On this site you will be able to schedule a conference for all of your children. If you do not have internet access, you can call the office (443-9739) and we will schedule the conference(s) for you, or answer any questions. 

Click on, then on “Parent Teacher Conference Schedule and Sign Up” link to schedule your children.


Flu season is upon us, and flu clinics abound.  I highly encourage all that are able to get a flu shot.  Here are three upcoming clinics where you do NOT need an appointment and shots are free: 

- Monday, 11/18 at Dike Newell School  4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

- Monday, 11/25 at the Woolwich Central School 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

For our clinic this year I am going to allow your students to get flu shots without the parent/guardian being present.  If that is what you desire you MUST fill out a form in advance of the clinic.  I have them on my desk so you should call me, (or send me an email) to have one sent home. You can also stop by to fill it out. Students cannot get a shot without you here, if the form is not completed. I am offering this as many parents work and it is hard to get here.  There is NO CHARGE for this flu shot. If you have any questions please let me know. ~ Nurse Sherwood


SASSMM will be delivering their program to all classes in K-5 next week. Please click the link below to access the  letter!


In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

CLICK FOR MORE INFO on a Free Flag Football Camp