Blue four toe paw print


December 13, 2019

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


12/13 - Bright Night Bath 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

12/16 - RSU1 School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm @ BMS

12/19 - December Concert for Grades 3 & 4 - 6:00PM

12/23/19 - 1/1/20 - Christmas Break

1/2/20 - Welcome Back!

1/6/20 - Pre-K Returns!


Great things are happening at WCS!

It is our pleasure to announce that our school librarian, Mrs. Luchies, has been recognized by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards as a National Board Certified Teacher.  Mrs. Luchies has invested hundreds of hours to meet these standards and through this process has modeled for our students the desire to be a life-long learner. We are fortunate that she is a part of our team at WCS.  Please join me in congratulating her when you see her!



Our Middle School students will be “strolling” donated food to the Town Office on Friday, 12/20/19, to be transferred to the Bath Food Pantry. Thank you for all your donations, keep them coming in! We will be collecting right up until the last minute. Suggested items: canned: soups, veggies, fruit, tuna, chicken, pasta; boxed: cereal oatmeal, pasta, rice, mac & cheese; plastic jars of peanut butter and packages of dried fruit. (No glass jars, please!) The Food Pantry has graciously allowed us to keep what we need for the WCS Backpack Program, so most of your donations will be staying right here with Woolwich families!


You are invited to attend the upcoming RSU1 School Board meeting happening on Monday, 12/16/19 from 6:00PM - 8:00PM. The meeting will be held in the gym at the Bath Middle School, located at 6 Old Brunswick Road in Bath.     



This past week we celebrated Hour of Code in the library. Students in grades 2-6 spent their library visit exploring the world of computer science with a basic coding activity. The activity required teamwork, communication, creativity, and strategic thinking. On top of that, it was super fun! If you’re curious about the different coding activities we did, check out the library website at:


Are you missing a jacket, hat, lunchbox, or a pair of shoes? You’ll find them in the Atrium in the lost and found! Please label your child’s items and we will make every effort to return them. Be sure to check for your items after school. All remaining items will be donated to charity on Friday, December 20, 2019.

November STAR Attendance Awards 

We are so proud of all our students who come to school all day, every day! Awards for the month of November go to:

Kindergarten: Edward Burgess, Sophia Courtney, Levi Davis, Madelyn Delano, Bryson Gerow, Joshua Harvey, Willoughby Kahrl, Connor Kelley, Braxtyn Kwasniak, Willa Luchies, Finnegan Messina, Oliver Messina, Grace Nguyen, Onyx Nichols, Harper Wiley, Mordecai Woodmore, Harper York

1st Grade: Zachary Baker, Paige Bowen, Ava Tibbetts, Derek Wilson, Adley Fox, Emma Holcombe, Bella Kahrl, Susanna McWalter, Hunter Mesplay, Kobe Mitkus, Megan Shipley, Carter Susee

2nd Grade: Margaret Baker, Sawyer Baldwin, Brandon Banks, Landon Brileya, Trevor Davis, Nathanael Doak, Kara Geisler, Willa Glidden, Lucas Griffee, Victoria Harvey, Aiden Hutchinson, Adriana Lapointe, Brock McCarren, Rowan Riley, Eli Salazar, Dominic Schwarz, Logan True

3rd Grade: Gracen Broadwater, Lucy Cosgrove, Melia Delano, Vaya Gilliam, Georgia Leeman, Cody Lozier, Miller Stanton, Olive Stead, Louie Tardif

4th Grade: Kassidy Blake, Cane Caron, Sam Coombs, Cato Eich, Lily Given, Brooklyn Glidden, Cameron Griffee, Caroline Luchies, Autumn Perry, Elinor Riley, George Robicheaw, Lilah Ryan, Wesley Salazar, Ella Slusher, Madison Temple

5th Grade: Sidney Cahill, Sadie Cosgrove, Maya Delano, Lillian Johnston, Aurora Leeman, Meredith McWalter, Alexa Parker, Isla Polizotto, Stevie Robinson, Caleb Schwarz, Valerie Swenson

6th Grade: Payson Bowling, Colden Caron, Lillith Chandler, Brady Chubbuck, Kendall Darling, Reese Darling, Taber Gabe, Sadie Jamison, Hunter Johnson, Ronan Lafer, Ily Perry, Garrett Riley, Lee Roberts

7th Grade: Ambrosia Bailey, Sheyanne Blake, Connor Campbell, Paiden Creamer, Avery Doak, Otto Hibl, Peyton James, Isabella Nquyen, Noah Thayer

8th Grade: Claire Russell, Hailey Schwarz, Abigail Sprague, Hayli Toothaker, Maeve Waller, Grace Chubbuck, Aloise Coombs, Meadow Furbish, Rory Garnett, Hollis James, Julie Miquelon, Emaleigh Moniz, Sarah Ouellette, Tyson Pinkham, Caleb Rice, Ben Riley

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

CLICK HERE for information about Girl Scouts

CLICK HERE for information about Flag Football