

September 25, 2020

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


10/12 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day -  No School

10/30 & 11/2 - School Picture Day!


Great things are happening at WCS!

3rd Grade’s caterpillars made chrysalises this week! One escaped and made a chrysalis on their window. How exciting to get to watch this cycle first hand!

Pre-K is celebrating just being together at WCS!  We are enjoying stories, games, and activities.  We are also doing a fantastic job learning the school procedures and routines.  Welcome to all of our Pre-K families!


Beginning This Week, September 25th, we will once again be sending out our weekly newsletters by email! If you would prefer to have a hard copy of the newsletter sent home every Friday, please let the office or your child’s teacher know, and we will be sure to get one to you by “Backpack Express.” You can always find the newsletter, school menu and other important information on our website, posted under “NEWS.”


As the days get cooler and we start to bring layers of clothing that go on-and-off during the day, we encourage all students to label each article of clothing. This will help keep our lost-and-found pile smaller and help up get clothes left behind back to their rightful owner. This is also great practice for lunch boxes, hats, mittens, and sneakers for PE! 


We are off to an awesome start in PE!  Kids are adjusting to being outside and doing the different activities that allow us to stay safe.  Our K-5 students are starting to get their necklaces and earn their charms.  If you see your kid wearing a necklace with the "I Love PE" charm, that means they gave great effort in PE thus far.  Our middle school students have been working hard on their running endurance as well as soccer skills and Pickleball.  The kids are working hard and I am really proud of the whole school.  The schedule is changing slightly, so keep an eye out for that and make sure your kids have extra water on PE days!  Please also see the attachment below for middle school families on intramural soccer! - Sincerely, Mr. Hutchings


School picture day is scheduled for Friday October 30th and Monday November 2nd. This year we will be utilizing the electronic check-in system. This eliminates the need for any student data paperwork to be exchanged at the camera on picture day, and is another step we will take to make sure we keep all our students and staff safe!  Please stay tuned for more information on how to access this online system as we get closer to picture day. Be on the lookout for email notifications from Lifetouch. 


We are reminding all parents/guardians that your child’s after school plans must either consist of a regular bus or pick up schedule. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate last minute bus changes (i.e. going to a friend’s house) because of the Covid-19 regulations that need to be followed and the need to limit the number of passengers on each bus. We ask that any pick up changes be communicated to the office by 1:00pm so that we are able to relay that information to your students. In the event you send a note with changes, please include first and last names of student and parent. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we navigate through our end of day processes. 


On September 1, 2020 the USDA announced that they will be extending the waiver for the Summer Meals Program through December 31, 2020 (as funding allows). RSU1 has decided to opt into this program. What this means for students of the District is that School Meals will be offered for NO CHARGE through 12/31/2020, or until the funds run out. This program is offered to EVERYONE and will help our schools continue to receive funding for the food service program in the future. 

If you have questions about this Program, please contact: Tim Harkins, Food Service Director RSU1 (207) 443 6601 ex.114 or email: 

If you would like to utilize the “Take Home Meals” program during hybrid learning, please email Joanne Wells at to sign up weekly, or for more information. 


Monday, October 12th, is Indigenous People’s Day (Formerly Columbus Day). This will be a four day week of school. To stay on schedule, we will just SKIP Monday and continue with the normal hybrid schedule on Tuesday. Please see the schedule below and call Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Pinkham in the office if you have any questions. 

Monday - 10/12

Tuesday - 10/13

Wednesday - 10/14

Thursday - 10/15

Friday - 10/16


Group B

No Students 

Group A

Group B


Flu shots have started to be given, and if you see your doctor for any reason ask about one.  They are also being given at local pharmacies. I sent out a list last week of some "drive through" clinics that will be held.  Getting a flu shot may be more important than ever this year with Covid-19, as many of the symptoms are similar, and to limit lost time from illness and from school/work, a flu shot may help to ensure our best health. I am trying to set up a flu clinic here and thus far have not had much success, however as your school nurse you can be sure I will do all I can to make that happen. If you do get a flu shot for your child, can you please let me know as I am tracking the percentage of students getting them this year. Also please know I am encouraging your students to drink often in the classroom and have shared that with teachers. Staying hydrated is also KEY in staying healthy and water is the very best fluid we can ingest. They all know how to remove their mask to drink and all should have some type of water bottle at their desk.  Lastly, please know you can call me with any questions or problems.  Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN, M.Ed


We had our first PTA meeting of the year last Wednesday in our outdoor classroom. We are happy to announce our officers for the 2020-2021 school year:

President: Carly Fuller

Vice President: Amanda Orff

Treasurer: Dena Bachman

Secretary: Crystal Moore

We are excited to continue our support of the students and staff of WCS this year, and we would love to have your help! Our next meeting will be held via Zoom on October 14th at 6 PM. Please follow us on Facebook (Woolwich Central School PTA) or email us at for more information! 

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

Y-Care Update

WCS Intramural Soccer

1-2-3 Magic Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

Active Parenting: Teens

Active Parenting: First Five Years

Active Parenting: The Joy of Parenting Your 5-12 Year Old