October 22, 2020
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 10/29 & 10/30 - Character Dress-Up Day! 11/1 - Daylight Savings, Fall back 1 hour 11/3 - Election Day - Professional Development Day 11/5 & 11/6 - School Picture Day 11/23 & 11/24 - ½ Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences 11/25 - 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! -Pre-K has enjoyed being creative in art class and in the classroom! We have made jack-o-lanterns, created patterns with acorn caps, and made apple prints with paint! We have also made a "Favorite Apple" graph and counted lots of apples and acorns. We love keeping busy in Pre-K! -Kindergarten is finishing up the Go2Science mission to the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming. They watched science videos, live-streamed with scientists, and did experiments looking for evidence to support the hypothesis that Deinonychus dinosaurs once lived there! |
Each day your child is going to be absent from school, please take the time to let the office and your child’s teacher know. We will be following up with families who have not contacted the school when their child has been absent. Because of the way we are tracking absences during this unprecedented time, it is helpful for us to have all of the information we can gather. Thank you to those who call in each day your child is absent from school. Also, please remember, if your child is going to be absent for more than one consecutive day, you need to fill out an extended leave of absence form.
For all students, school picture day will be Thursday, November 5th and Friday, November 6th on your respective in person day. This year we will be utilizing the electronic check-in system. This eliminates the need for any student data paperwork to be exchanged at the camera on picture day, and is another step we will take to make sure we keep all our students and staff safe! Lifetouch papers were sent home with students this week, but please know that we encourage you to utilize the online ordering system as well!
Don’t forget to celebrate next Thursday and Friday by dressing up in costume with us as your favorite character! Cohort A character day is Thursday, October 29th and Cohort B character day is Friday, October 30th. Looking for a costume idea? Bring your favorite book to school and come to school dressed as one of its characters! Just a few reminders: Costume must be comfortable and allow free movement for recess and P.E. And costumes must be school appropriate (no gore, weapons, or masks).
The PTA had our first virtual meeting of the year last week, and it was great to see some new faces! Please add November 18th to your calendar- we will be holding our monthly meeting at 6 PM via Zoom. It's an easy way to see what's happening with the PTA without having to leave your house!
As our 8th grade students prepare to enter high school, this is a great time to begin discussing successful pathways to various post-secondary opportunities, whether that be career, military, or college. As part of our programming specifically designed for college preparation, we are collaborating with Colby College to host a workshop next week focused on building college awareness specifically for 8th grade students. This interactive workshop will be facilitated by a member of the Colby’s Admissions Office, and there will be three identical sessions offered at the following times:
Monday, October 26, 9:00am-11:00am
Monday, October 26, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Monday, October 26, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Stay tuned for the registration links to these workshops, which will be sent out by the end of the week. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Reny!
Because I am not seeing all students every week, I am trying something new for Global Read Aloud. We are doing a virtual version! Every week I will post a read aloud video and some extra activities to this website. If time allows, this can be done as a Library extension activity on students' home days. Please visit the following link. Happy reading! WCS Virtual Global Read Aloud
This week is “odds-and-ends” week to share information with you from the nurse. First, so thankful we were able to hold our flu clinic for the faculty/staff here at Woolwich Central. We had a great turnout! Next up will be one for STUDENTS ONLY during the first week of November. I have connected with the state of Maine and they will be sending two people to do a flu clinic right here at my office for any student who wishes one. I will send home the paperwork with students and the parent/guardian will fill it out and return it. On the day of the clinic students will get a flu shot IF (and ONLY IF) YOU HAVE RETURNED THE SIGNED CONSENT FORM. At this time, I will not be doing any for the parents or community as we cannot have additional people inside the building. However, I do have it in mind for later November if I can arrange it. I also want to thank you for sending your student to school with a clean mask, for modeling the importance of wearing it in any public space and for all of your hand-washing and social distancing practice. I know we are all starting to get "Covid-Tired", however, we must continue on from a public health perspective and not grow weary. Lastly, I am doing the vision and hearing screenings and hope to have them finished up by the end of next week. If you do NOT hear from me, that means your student's screenings were fine; (no news is good news). Roberta Sherwood, R.N.BSN, M.Ed
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Salvation Army is currently taking applications for support with Christmas until November 5th. You will need to call and set up an appointment and see if you qualify at (207)443-3611. You’ll need to bring a photo ID, proof of income and proof of expenses. If you qualify you’ll receive an outfit for your children as well as some toys for Christmas. Please see the attached flyer.
Check out the pictures from Mrs. Dimbleby this week of our Wildcats hard at work!