

November 12, 2019

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


11/23 & 11/24 - ½ Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/23 & 11/24 - No PreK

11/25 - 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break

12/23 - 1/1 - Holiday Break 


Great things are happening at WCS!

  • A huge congratulations and thank you to all students and staff for two very successful socially distanced Fire Drills this week! 

  • Pre-K has had fun cutting feathers and making turkeys! They are thankful for family, friends, toys, and a nice school to attend!

  • Thank you PTA for giving each staff member a mask with the WCS logo! Our PTA is AMAZING!


ALL students, grades K-8 will have ½ days with dismissal at 11:50AM on both Monday and Tuesday 11/23 and 11/24. WCS conferences will only be held on Monday 11/23 from 12:00PM - 6:00PM. And as a reminder, all conferences will be virtual or by phone. 

Once again, we will be scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences online with On this site you will be able to schedule a conference for all of your children. If you do not have internet access, you can call the office (443-9739) and we will schedule the conference(s) for you, or answer any questions. 

Click on, then on the “Parent Teacher Conference Schedule and Sign Up” link to schedule your appointment. 


Fun news from the PTA this week- we are hosting a coloring contest! Our turkey doesn't want to be eaten for Thanksgiving, so it's going incognito and needs our help! Use some imagination to color or decorate your turkey to look like anything other than a turkey! 

There are two ways to submit your entry:

1. Have your child return a paper copy of their turkey to one of our drop boxes at school with name and grade on the back.

2. Take a picture of your child's turkey and add it as a comment to our Facebook contest post.

This contest will end on November 24th. Students can pick up a paper sheet from Mrs. Devin during art, or you can print this one out at home: We can't wait to see what students come up with! We will also be having our monthly PTA meeting November 18th at 6 PM via Zoom. The link is 594 538 4333. We hope to see some new faces there and plan some fun things for this year!



On Thursday, November 19th, and Friday, November 20th, I will be conducting a flu shot clinic for interested students who have NOT ALREADY RECEIVED A FLU SHOT THIS YEAR. Students must have a signed permission slip stating they have permission to receive the vaccine. I think this year it is more important than ever to consider this immunization for your student.  Please be assured I will follow all of the guidelines that I sent home to you. Your child WILL NOT get a shot without the written note from you in my hand, AND I will place a phone call to you to verify it beforehand.  The clinic will be held right here at Woolwich Central School and it is free.  If you have questions please reach out to me at 



Physical Education has still been rolling along outside.  The recent weather has had us working on our team games and strategies.  A heavy focus has continued on cardiovascular endurance with running, obstacle courses and jumping jacks.  It’s amazing how motivated the kids are to improve on their fitness!  So far the majority of students have had the opportunity to earn the sneaker, gorilla and frog for their necklaces and we will focus on the wildcat for our next charm which is a timed challenge on the obstacle course!  Middle school students have begun working on their Pacer Test scores as well as their push ups!  We will be doing PE outdoors until at least Thanksgiving, so please keep sending them with the appropriate gear!  Thank you kindly!   - Mr. Hutchings



Earlier this month, we collaborated with Colby College’s Admissions Office to offer a workshop focused on building college awareness specifically for 8th grade students. We are happy to announce that Colby will be offering this workshop again, and it will take place online in early December. This interactive workshop will be facilitated by a member of the Colby’s Admissions Office, and there will be multiple, identical sessions offered at different times. We will be in touch soon with more details once Colby is able to provide more information about exact dates and how to register for the event. We look forward to you joining us for this interactive workshop. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Warmly, Jason Libby, Principal and Cameron Reny, School Counselor

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


Please see the attached list of Winter Holiday resources. And see below for more information. 

  • A number of organizations are already accepting applications.

  • All of the programs that have provided sit down meals for Thanksgiving or Christmas in the past, have moved to a take-out model in order to ensure everyone’s safety. They look forward to having everyone together again next year.

For information on other resources, CALL 211, Maine’s free and confidential information and referral service. You can also TEXT your zip code to 898-211 or go online to A trained call specialist is there to help. Available 24/7.

Click HERE to view this week's Wildcats in Action with Mrs. Dimbleby!