Blue four toe paw print


December 11, 2020

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


12/14 - 6:00 pm RSU1 School Board Meeting

12/18 - Report Cards Go Home!

12/23/19 - 1/1/20 - Winter Break

1/4/20 - Welcome Back!

1/18 - MLK Day - NO SCHOOL


Great things are happening at WCS!

This week Mrs. Luchies has been treating us to Literary Holiday Trivia on the morning announcements! Students test their seasonal trivia knowledge and submit their answers. A drawing determines the winners each day! 


                 HEALTHY HIGHLIGHTS

It's the end of the first full week of school for our PreK-5 students...and boy, are we all TIRED! It's hard work to be a student! It's a perfect time to remind our families of the American Pediatric Association's sleep recommendations for young children is much more than most get. Bedtime routines are important and change can sometimes be difficult, but coming back to school full time is a big change and going to bed to allow for a proper night’s sleep is critical. Children need between 8-10 hours of sleep a night. That is a minimum.  That might sound like a lot however, remember they are growing and very busy throughout the day. I am here to help you and your student. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 

~Nurse Sherwood



Beginning on Monday, 12/14 we will be slightly adjusting our arrival and dismissal times. The new times will be as follows (changes are in red):



  • 8:20 - Early Group Arrives

  • 9:10 - Late Group Arrives

  • Wednesday Arrival Early Group 9:20

  • Wednesday Arrival Late Group 10:10


  • 2:15 - Bus Dismissal for Early Group

  • 2:25 - Parent Pick-up for Early Group

  • 2:55 - Bus Dismissal for Late Group

  • 3:05 - Parent Pick-up for Late Group

A letter was sent out to families explaining these changes in greater detail. CLICK HERE to access that letter- it is also viewable on our website under NEWS.




Nut Free/Nut Safe School...what does that mean?  It means we want all of the students at WCS to be safe and able to enjoy a learning environment without having to worry about a severe allergic reaction. We have sent letters home with students in lower grades to inform parents that there is a student in the class with a nut/egg type allergy and to remind them not to send food with these items in them.  It is important to note that sometimes it is enough to just have the food item present (still in the wrapper, not opened) to cause an allergic reaction. I want each of us to think, “if it was my child that had this allergy how would I want  other parents to respond?”  If you have questions, please contact the school nurse. 

 ~ Nurse Sherwood, RnBSNMed


RSU1 will be holding the next School Board meeting happening virtually on Youtube on Monday, 12/14/20 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. The meeting will be live-streamed on the RSU1 Youtube Channel.     


Are you missing a jacket, hat, lunchbox, or a pair of shoes? They may be in the Lobby in the lost and found! Please label your child’s items and we will make every effort to return them. Be sure to check Mrs. Dimbleby’s pictures to see if anything belongs to you. You can also email the office to let us know if you know you’re missing something. All remaining items will be donated to charity on Friday, December 18, 2020.

CLICK HERE for Our Week In Pictures by Mrs. Dimbleby

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

CLICK HERE for information on the Bath Rec Youth Basketball program

CLICK HERE for information on the Woolwich Historical Society Holiday Lighting Contest

CLICK HERE for information on the Bath Rec Virtual Gingerbread House Contest