Blue four toe paw print


January 29, 2021

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


2/1 - 2/4 - The Masked Reader Contest

2/8 - 2/12 - Eat the Rainbow Week!

2/15 - 2/19 - February Break - No School

3/25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences  

3/25 & 3/25 - HALF DAY OF SCHOOL


Great things are happening at WCS!

  • Second graders participated in a virtual program with Chewonki called "Animal Adaptations" to learn all about how an animal has features that help it survive and thrive.  It tied in nicely with a science unit we did earlier this year.  Students loved meeting some live animals!  Thank you to the PTA for providing this wonderful experience for all the second graders. 


 The WCS PTA is so excited to be hosting a fun new program next week- The Masked Reader!  Here's how it will work:

On Monday-Thursday (February 1-4), the PTA will post a video on our newly formed YouTube channel of someone from the Woolwich staff reading a fun book, and students will have to guess which staff member it is!

The catch? Each reader will have an excellent disguise!!

Students can either drop their guesses into our drop box at school, or parents can submit them to our PTA email account ( Students can guess for as many or as few days as they want, but students will only be allowed to make one guess per reader (so up to four guesses total)! Guessing will close on February 8th, so all students will have a chance to submit their guesses. Each correct guess gives students a chance to win a custom Woolwich Wildcats face mask!

Videos will post each evening at 6 PM right here:


Starting next week, February 1st, all classes will have a weekly rotating special.  This means that each class will have the same special all week and will then rotate to a different special the following week.  The reason for this change is to limit the number of students that our Art, PE, Library, Music, and Guidance teachers work with each week.  By switching to this type of schedule, we are able to limit the potential impact on the number of staff and students needing to quarantine should there be a positive covid case. This new schedule will decrease the need for a temporary school closure.  While there are pros and cons to moving to this type of schedule, in the end, we decided that any decision that allows us to remain open and function as smoothly as possible is the best choice.  



Please be sure your children have appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. We will be outside every day for fresh air and exercise! If your child’s clothing (boots, coats, snow pants, etc.) is labeled with their name, we’ll be sure to keep it out of the lost and found!!


Eat the Rainbow is back and here is how it will work! Beginning on 2/8 every day of the week will represent a color…


Monday (February 8th)- Green Day

Tuesday (February 9th)- Orange/Yellow Day

Wednesday (February 10th)- Blue/Purple Day

Thursday (February 11th)- Red Day

Friday (February 12th)- Rainbow Day


On these days, we hope students will wear clothing that coordinates with the specific color of the day!  These days will also include a fruit/vegetable for the color on the school lunch menu for this week!  There will be daily announcements talking about the importance of the different colors and some other fun events happening through classes as well.  I am looking forward to the week and hope you are too!    Sincerely, Mr. Hutchings