Blue four toe paw print


May 14, 2021

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


5/19 - Middle School B in-class, (A Enrichment)

5/24 - School Board Meeting 6 pm (virtual)

5/26 - Middle School A in-class, (B Enrichment)

5/29 - WCS Run Club race 9 am

5/31 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL

6/2 - 8th Grade step-up day

6/2 - Middle School B in-class, (A Enrichment)

6/9 - Middle School A in-class, (B Enrichment)

6/11 - Last Day of School for Pre-K!

6/15 - 8th Grade Recognition Night

6/16 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL K-8! Middle School B in class, (A Enrichment) - stay tuned for more details!


Great things are happening at WCS!

We had a successful fire drill this week! The entire building made it safely outside and remained silent as we accounted for everyone. We are so proud of our students for remaining calm and following important directions while we practiced the drill!


Sunscreen: To use or not to use, that is up to you. I encourage parents to make that decision and that application at home.  What I do want you to know is with warmer weather we will be spending more time outside, be it for extra recess, snack time, eating lunch outside, or even a class that may be held in the outdoor classroom. All good when thinking about being outside in the fresh air but along with that comes increases sun rays.  If you wish to have your child use sunscreen please know that it needs to be applied at home, not at school.  

 As I close, I must say a big thank you to all for the cards, wishes, thoughts, gifts, flowers, and endless moves of support for me during Nurse’s Appreciation Week.  This year, I often feel like the bearer of bad news, or the enforcer of difficult policies yet, you still continue to embrace me.  I want you all to know how I respect you and am humbled by your care and concern for me.  ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN, M.Ed


Students in grades 3-8 will be taking the State of Maine math, literacy & science assessments in the coming weeks. As a parent/guardian, you may use the information from the assessments to help support your student at home and engage in a  discussion with your student’s teacher to identify what, if any, additional support may be necessary in school. Teachers use this information, in combination with other forms of local data, to guide their instruction and provide more personalized activities and learning opportunities for students. While no single assessment can give a complete picture of achievement, when combined with other measures, these data provide important information about student progress. When a student does not participate in the state assessment, valuable information is lost. 


RSU1 has partnered with Midcoast Hospital to offer a free and optional COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students aged 12 and older. The Pfizer vaccine will be administered at Morse High School (first dose on Wednesday, May 19th, second dose on Wednesday, June 9th) and transportation will be provided by RSU1 for students from WCS to MHS that day. Permission slips have been sent home and are required to participate in the clinic.


The deadline for RSU1 Pre-K enrollment is Wednesday, May 19th. Please click on the link to access the application and program details:

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.