May 21, 2021
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 5/24 - School Board Meeting 6 pm (virtual) 5/26 - Middle School A in-class, (B Enrichment) 5/29 - WCS Run Club race 9 am 5/31 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL 6/2 - 8th Grade step-up day 6/2 - Middle School B in-class, (A Enrichment) 6/9 - Middle School A in-class, (B Enrichment) 6/11 - Last Day of School for Pre-K! 6/15 - 8th Grade Recognition Night 6/16 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL K-8! Middle School B in class, (A Enrichment) - stay tuned for more details! |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! NWEA testing began for students in grades 3, 4, and 5! We appreciate that all of the students are working really hard and are trying their best! Middle school students will start their testing next week! |
Run Club Members! The race that we have all been working for will be next Saturday, May 29th at 9:00. Our K-2 runners will kick things off with their mile race and the 3-5 runners will follow it up with their 2-mile race. The race will be held right here at WCS. I am beyond excited for these kids to show you the skills they have learned and the endurance they have gained! Let me know if you have any questions! -Mr. Hutchings
“Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can.”
― Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo
It has not been easy for any of us who have waded through this pandemic. Looking back, what lessons have we learned? What did we do that seemed to work? What do YOU want to hang onto? I feel that sometimes growth can be the process of learning from things that we have done. I want to continue to grow and I want WCS to do the same. I would like to hear via email from anyone who wants to share something that seems to have really worked this year. (Only positive observations, please). This can be faculty, staff, parents, guardians, basically, anyone who reads this can respond. I will compile the results and share them with Mr. Libby and Mrs. Dimbleby. It does not necessarily mean that what you choose to share will be implemented going forward, but all will be read and shared. ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN, M.Ed
Although lots of things are different this year, we still were able to participate in the Chickadee and Maine Student Book Award programs! Our 4th-8th grade students had the opportunity to read 3 MSBA books and vote...over 60 students cast a vote. The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart won by a landslide here at WCS, but finished in 2nd place statewide. The official Maine Student Book Award winner is New Kid by Jerry Craft! Our K-3 students listened to 10 different picture books and voted for their favorite. The WCS winner is Ninita’s Big World by Sarah Marsh. The official Chickadee Book Award will be announced at the end of the month...we are waiting with bated breath! Until then, ask your own child which book they loved the best.
Have you lost a mitten? Did a sweatshirt not make it home from school? Take a look at the photos of our lost & found and please call the office if anything belongs to you! Items will be donated at the end of the school year.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
Bath Parks & Rec is delighted to offer a Tai Chi program for students who are 14 years or older, and Karate lessons for students who are 6 years or older. Please click the links below for more information.