October 22, 2021
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 10/25 - Picture Retake Day 📸 10/25 - RSU1 School Board Meeting 6:00pm @ MHS 11/1 & 11/2 - WCS Dental Clinic 11/7 - Daylight Savings, Fall back 1 hour 11/10 - 6:00pm PTA Meeting, in WCS Library 11/11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL 11/12 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL 11/22 - 11/26 - NO PRE-K 11/22 & 11/23 - ½ Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences 11/24 - 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! October is Fire Safety month and WCS will be learning more about this subject with help from the Woolwich fire department. Tuesday, 10/26 students in grades Pre-K - 2 will get a chance to see municipal fire vehicles up close, and speak with some firefighters! |
Many students at WCS are participating in Global Read Aloud again this year! 3rd-5th grade students are currently reading Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott as a wing. They have been enjoying the book in their classrooms with their teacher and virtual guest readers. 1st-5th graders are participating in GRA with Duncan Tonatiuh’s picture books in the library. Through these books, we have connected with each other and students all over the world via Padlet. It’s a fun way to show how books can connect us!
November 1st & 2nd WCS will be hosting a dental clinic right here and if your student has not seen a dentist and you would like them to be seen, there is still time to complete a registration form. Just contact the office and we will make sure you get the paperwork necessary to make this happen.
Peanuts, Milk, Allergies, Halloween, candy, cookies..... what do all of these have in common? I know I have written this before, but it is important enough that it is worth repeating. We are a nut-safe school, meaning we are asking that no nuts/nut products are to come into school. If you have never had any experience with these allergies before, I can share that sometimes children can be so allergic to just the dust particles in the air from someone else eating something with nuts in it that it can bring on an allergic reaction. This means that they do not have to ingest it to be seriously ill. Please think about this as you pack your child's lunch, and snacks and do not send in things to share with the entire class. Read the labels and if it contains nuts I urge you to have them eat it at home. I have seen peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter cups, and nuts in school recently. While this dietary restriction may only affect a small number of students, each lunch period needs to be mindful that these allergies exist. We will continue to do all we can to keep each child safe, and your help in this matter is seriously appreciated. ~Nurse Sherwood
School pictures are online at Soggy Dog Designs and viewing/ordering information has been sent home with students! If you have any questions or need your ordering code, please contact the school office and we’d be happy to get you the information that you need! Picture Retake Day will be Monday, 10/25!
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
Bath Rec Department will be offering Youth Basketball for grades 2-6 starting November 29th.
PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.
The Bath YMCA is hosting a kid’s night on 11/20 where parents on can drop off kids for an evening of fun. The cost for this event is $20.
PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.
PLEASE CLICK HERE for the enrollment form