November 5, 2021
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 11/7 - Daylight Savings, Fall Back 1 Hour 11/10 - 6:00pm PTA Meeting, in WCS Library 11/11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL 11/12 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL 11/22 - 11/26 - NO PRE-K 11/22 - 1/2 Day of School: Parent/Teacher Conferences 11/23 - ½ Day of School 11/24 - 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break - No School |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS!
We will be holding a Lockdown Drill on Tuesday, 11/9 at 2:15 pm. Similar to Fire Drills, the hope is that we can better prepare our students to deal with emergency situations. Please feel free to discuss the drill with your student and to reach out to the office with any questions.
We are hosting our Incognito Turkey contest again this year! Our cute little turkey doesn't want to be eaten for Thanksgiving, so it's going incognito and needs our Wildcat help! Have your student pick up a copy of our turkey page at school, then color or decorate the turkey so it looks like anything other than a turkey! Drop your disguised turkeys off in one of the drop boxes at school, and we will draw some winners on November 19th! CLICK HERE for a printable copy.
We will be having our monthly meeting on November 10th at 6 PM in the WCS library. We will be discussing activities and events for the rest of the year, and would love to have your input! We are also looking for a treasurer to join our board, and we would love to hear from you if you are interested! You can always message us at mywcspta@gmail.com for more information on anything we are doing!
PLEASE CLICK HERE if you would like to sign your student up for Pooled Testing at WCS. Our school code is: TZB95F. Testing happens each Thursday (with the exception of the upcoming holiday weeks where testing will be done on Tuesday, 11/9 and Tuesday, 11/23.)
Daylight Savings: Remember to set your clocks back 1 hour on Sunday!
Let’s talk covid.... I know you may not want to hear this but: there were 862 new cases of covid 19 in Maine on November 2, 2021. To me that is a WOW. What I take away from this is: while we would like to think that we are near the finish line, we are not done with covid! Masking, handwashing, keeping your distance from others is as important as it has ever been. While we now have the ability to sign up children aged 5-11 right now to get covid shots, it will still take 14 days for them to be effective so now is not the time to slack off on the necessary health safety precautions. Masks must be fit properly, meaning that it covers both the mouth and the nose. If the nose is not covered it does no good at all. Check your student’s mask for proper fit. Remind your student of hand sanitizing upon arrival to school, after recess, lunch and of course washing with soap and water after using the bathroom. We must be vigilant. I do have information on covid clinics in our area. RSU1 will be doing a clinic right at our own Morse High School for children aged 5-11 and a bus will be available for them to ride as long as all paperwork is complete and submitted. (CLICK HERE for paperwork.) If you have questions please contact me at school. I want to help. ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N, BSN, M.Ed
ALL students, grades K-8 will have ½ days with dismissal at 11:55AM on both Monday and Tuesday 11/22 and 11/23. WCS conferences will only be held on Monday 11/22 from 12:00PM - 6:00PM.
Once again, we will be scheduling Parent/Teacher Conferences online with PTCFast.com. On this site you will be able to schedule a conference for all of your children. If you do not have internet access, you can call the office (443-9739) and we will schedule the conference(s) for you, or answer any questions. ALL CONFERENCES WILL BE VIRTUAL. Once you sign up for a conference time, your child’s teacher will contact you to set up the virtual meeting.
Click on https://www.ptcfast.com/school...
You will be directed to a screen with all the teachers listed. Click on your child(ren)’s teacher(s).
Middle school parents (Grade 6, 7 & 8) should meet with their student’s individual subject teachers. You will have 10 minute conferences and may choose with teachers you would like to speak with.
If you have more than 1 child, select “...more than one student” on the next screen.
Fill in your child’s first and last name on the next screen and click “done” when finished.
Enter your contact information and click “submit.”
You will receive an email within the next few minutes, with a link that will take you to the sign up screen, where you can choose what conference time is best for you.
We encourage you to leave time between conferences, so that the schedule will not get bogged down. (3:15 - 3:30 and then 3:45 - 4:00, e.g.)
Since there are limited time slots available, we are limiting conferences to one per child. Conferences are 15 minutes for K-5 and 10 minutes for 6th, 7th & 8th. Please adhere to the time limit. Feel free to email your child’s teacher throughout the school year to stay up to date. You can find email addresses of staff on the school website. Parents of students in grades 6, 7 & 8 can check their student’s grades and attendance all year, through the Infinite Campus Portal. Please contact the office if you did not receive sign in information.
To sign your child up for the clinic at Morse High School (Friday,11/19), please complete the linked CONSENT AND TRANSPORTATION PACKET & return to school by Monday, November 15, 2021. This is a two shot series- vaccine #2 will be given during our 12/10 clinic. The Consent Packet must be signed by a parent or guardian. Please skip question 1 on the CDC Pre-Vaccination Checklist regarding how your child feels, if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home. If you don’t have a printer and need a consent packet sent home, please let your school secretary know. If you plan to bring your child to the vaccine yourself, you still need to turn your paperwork in at their school as Mid Coast needs to know the total number of vaccines to bring to MHS. Your paperwork will be at MHS when you arrive.
We understand that everyone’s path to health is different. Below are some important things Mid Coast would like us to consider when making a decision about COVID-19 vaccination for your child.
The vaccine was authorized after studies showed it is safe and effective.
COVID-19 virus variants are causing widespread infections among young people in Maine. The Pfizer vaccine is effective against the variants.
The vaccine will help prevent your child from transmitting the virus to others.
Getting your child vaccinated before the holiday season will help protect your child, as well as friends and family, from COVID-19 infection.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
Please CLICK HERE to access this year’s Winter Holiday Resources list. Organizations in Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties and Brunswick and Harpswell, are providing various services including holiday meal baskets, clothing, and toys. The list provides contact information and program details so that services can be found easily. A number of organizations are already accepting applications, which may close soon.
For information on other resources, CALL 211, Maine’s free and confidential information and referral service. You can also TEXT your zip code to 898-211 or go online to 211Maine.org. A trained call specialist is there to help. Available 24/7.
Good News Club will be returning to WCS! Starting on 12/2, the club will meet each Thursday from 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm to sing songs, hear Bible stories and make friends. Parents will need to complete the permission form before students may attend. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information and the permission form.
The Maine Maritime Museum is offering FREE ADMISSION for the month of November, courtesy of the Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust. Additionally, as of December 1st, they will no longer be charging admission for kids under 17 years old. They’ve joined a program called Museums for All to provide free admission to anyone with an EBT card (four people per card.)
Bath Rec Department will be offering Youth Basketball for grades 2-6 starting November 29th.
PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.
The Bath YMCA is hosting a kid’s night on 11/20 where parents can drop off kids for an evening of fun. The cost for this event is $20. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information. PLEASE CLICK HERE for the enrollment form
Do you like to play Chess or Checkers? Are you interested in meeting new people and enjoying free snacks? If so, CLICK HERE for more information about an Intergenerational Chess & Checkers event in Bath.