January 7, 2022
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 1/12 - 6:00PM PTA Meeting at the WCS Library 1/17 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School 2/21 - 2/25 - February Break - No School |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS!
Greetings Wildcat Families! I want to take a moment to wish you all a Happy New Year! With each new year, comes a renewed sense of hope. I want you each to know that despite the fact that we are still battling a pandemic, I remain incredibly optimistic about 2022. My optimism comes from this community. Everyday, I see families patiently responding to sudden changes in their schedules and family plans in order to do what will keep themselves and our community safe. Everyday, I see teachers, support staff, nurses, custodians, bus drivers and food service providers persevering to overcome new challenges and do everything they can to keep our students safe and in school. Everyday, I continue to see our students smiling, laughing, talking, learning and being kids.
As we continue to learn and understand new protocols and procedures with regards to the management of COVID-19, I draw my strength and optimism from this community. It is a privilege to be your Principal at Woolwich Central School. We are as strong as ever and we are committed to providing a safe, caring, and engaging learning environment for our students. As I said in March of 2020, “Stay strong, we can and will get through this together!” - Mr. Libby
Now that cold weather is upon us and snow is on the ground, we want to send out a reminder for students to bring in winter weather gear for recess. This includes snow pants, coats, hats, mittens, and boots. Please also send your student in with an extra mask in their backpack. Sometimes a change of mask is needed during the day and we have very limited options for students at school.
If you are looking for Wildcats gear for basketball season, please check out our Spirit Wear store at https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/ME/Woolwich/Woolwich+Central+School. The WCS PTA receives 10% of all purchases, which goes towards our programs and activities- and there's even free shipping right now!
The PTA will be holding our monthly meeting on January 12th at 6 PM. We will be meeting in person in the back of the WCS library- please join us to see what we are planning for 2022!
Please CLICK HERE to view the RSU1 symptom tracker and keep it in mind each day as you send your students to school. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the school and we’ll do our best to help!
Please know that you are all appreciated! Each of you are doing great work in raising your children, and carrying the extra load that has been required of us since the pandemic started. I want you to know that it does not go unnoticed. I also want to remind you that not everything is, "covid.” We still have influenza which has been around for about 2 months now. Strep throat is also being seen, as well as the good old fashioned common cold. These things have not gone away just as head lice have not left the scene. Keep up the good work with masking and handwashing as it helps with many different illnesses, not just covid. If you have questions, please let me know, about these things or anything else. ~Nurse Sherwood
Has your phone number changed? Have you moved? Did you update your email address? Please be sure to let the school office know of any changes to your contact information so we can reach you with notices from the district in the event of an emergency and to get the snow day closure phone call.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Bath Area YMCA will be holding a Kids Night Out event from 4-8pm on Saturday 1/22. The event is for students in grades K-5 and will cost parents $20/student ($10 for each sibling who wishes to attend.) The YMCA will offer swimming, rock climbing, board games, music, open gym time as well as pizza and popcorn. Pre-registration for this even is required. Please CLICK HERE for more information.