Blue four toes paw print


January 21, 2022

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


1/24 - 6 PM RSU1 School Board Meeting @ MHS

2/21 - 2/25 - February Break - NO SCHOOL

3/18 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

3/24 - Parent Conferences - ½ day of school

3/25 - ½ day of school


Great things are happening at WCS!

 A big thank you to the SASSMM educator Ms. Julia! She's taught classes in almost every grade over the past few weeks on important topics like personal space, boundaries, consent, and more. The kids love having guest speakers, and we are so lucky to have great educators visit us. 


Fourth and fifth grade students from across the district from the RSU1 Gifted and Talented program joined together at BMS this Wednesday for a collaborative, fun, and fast-paced day of learning. "GATE Days" will take place monthly with this year's focus being on the brain. Students will learn about the anatomy of the brain, the function of its parts, the senses, memory, amazing animal brains, and more!

                                          PASTA DRIVE

WCS is doing a PASTA DRIVE to benefit the Bath Area Food Bank! Students and staff have been encouraged to bring in a box of pasta to be donated on Friday, February 4th. This is a great opportunity to involve your student at home- explain to them what “donation” means, and why it is important that we look out for one another. Maybe ask them to choose out a favorite pasta to share with a family in need, through giving. The Bath Area Food Bank does so much for our amazing community, and it is our hope that we can come together to give a little back! The donation box can be found in the school office.



Beginning on 1/25 we will be doing COVID-19 pooled testing on Tuesdays! Here is the link if you wish to sign your student up for testing:

School Code: TZB95F 

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


The Bath Area YMCA will be holding a Kids Night Out event from 4-8pm on Saturday 1/22. The event  is for students in grades K-5 and will cost parents $20/student ($10 for each sibling who wishes to attend.) The YMCA will offer swimming, rock climbing, board games, music, open gym time as well as pizza and popcorn. Pre-registration for this event is required. Please CLICK HERE for more information.


Main Street Bath is hosting Winterfest on the weekend of 2/25. There will be fun events like ice skating, fire dancers, winter disc golf and SO MUCH MORE! CLICK HERE or visit for more information.