Blue four toe paw print


January 28, 2022

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


2/21 - 2/25 - February Break - NO SCHOOL

3/18 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

3/24 - Parent Conferences - ½ day of school

3/25 - ½ day of school


Great things are happening at WCS!

This month we kicked off the Wildcat Express mail delivery program at Woolwich Central School! Students and staff are able to write letters to each other and those letters are delivered to their classroom “address” each Tuesday. As of this week, 107 letters have been delivered by Ms. Gibbs’ Wildcat Express mail team! This program encourages penmanship and teaches the value of correspondence. A big thank you to Ms. Gibb’s team for helping to run this program and for sharing happiness across the school!


It has been a busy first half of the school year in the WCS library. We have participated in Global Read Aloud, done some coding, worked on our research skills, and celebrated award-winning books. The Middle School book club has met to discuss 2 books so far this year. And we have circulated over 7,200 items. Wow...that is a lot of reading! I’d like to give a shout out to our classrooms with the most checkouts since school started. These kids are responsible and return their library materials in a timely manner…letting them check out more awesome books! So congratulations and thank you to Mrs. Vise’s, Ms. Culley’s, and Mrs. Garland’s homerooms for following the Woolwich Way in the library!


Just a quick reminder of how important it is to report covid testing to school: If we don’t hear from you, we have no idea if your student has tested positive on a home test, through a pharmacy or at the doctor’s office. This information is especially important for Pooled Testing. If your student has tested positive for covid-19, they will be removed from Pooled Testing for 90 days. If someone has tested positive and then participates in Pooled Testing when they return to school,  their pool may be marked positive each time they test for the next 90 days. This can cause their pool to be flagged as positive when perhaps, it isn’t. Positive pools are retested using rapid tests and we all know how precious those rapid tests are! It is our goal to prevent additional testing if it is not truly needed. Covid-19 home test results can be shared with Nurse Sherwood through email ( or by calling the school at 207-443-9739. PCR tests and results from your doctor can be shared via fax at: 207-443-9792.   


The PTA will be holding our monthly meeting on February 9th at 6 PM, with special guest Mr. Libby. We will be discussing plans for work on the outdoor classroom- please join us if you have ideas or are interested in helping with this project! 

We are looking for someone to fill the treasurer position on our board. If you are interested in hearing more about this role, please contact us at We are happy to explain the position, and provide plenty of training if you are interested!    



Please be sure your children have appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. We will be outside every day for fresh air and exercise! If your child’s clothing (boots, coats, snow pants, etc.) is labeled with their name, we’ll be sure to keep it out of the lost and found!!



WCS is doing a PASTA DRIVE to benefit the Bath Area Food Bank! Students and staff have been encouraged to bring in a box (or boxes) of pasta;  everything will be donated on Friday, February 4th. The Bath Area Food Bank does so much for our amazing community, and it is our hope that we can come together to give a little back! The donation box can be found in the school lobby.


In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


Main Street Bath is hosting Winterfest on the weekend of 2/25. There will be fun events like ice skating, fire dancers, winter disc golf and SO MUCH MORE! CLICK HERE or visit for more information.