Four toed blue pawprint


February 11, 2022

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


2/14 - Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤

2/18 - WCS Decades Day- dress to impress!

2/21 - 2/25 - February Break - No School

2/28 - 3/4 - Read Across America Week

2/28 - RSU1 School Board Meeting 6:00PM at MHS

3/13 - Daylight Savings Begins - set clocks AHEAD 1 hour

3/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences  

3/24 & 3/25 - HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL (both days)


Great things are happening at WCS!

Students have earned almost 300 Woolwich WOW tickets for following the Woolwich Way! To celebrate all this positive behavior, we will be holding “Decades Day” at school next Friday. On 2/18, students and staff are encouraged to break out their most groovy and radical (school appropriate) outfits and dress in the fashion of their favorite decade. Throughout the day, DJ Dimbleby will be playing hip songs from across the decades to help us celebrate!


Woolwich Central School will have the chance to make a difference in education! Our 4th-graders will represent thousands of others across the country on February 17th! Known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in the United States know and can do in a variety of subjects. Learn more at .  

CLICK HERE for a letter about this program


Elementary (K-5)-   Our Kindergarten through grade 5 students have been earning their second fitness bracelets this week.  The bracelet is earned through cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength/endurance.  Check out your student’s wrist and see if they were able to accomplish the challenges the first time through!  

Middle School Students-  Our Middle School students will be starting floor hockey.  This is a staple unit for us here at WCS and it will lead into intramurals in March!  

Lastly, our elementary students will be starting Jump Rope for Heart soon.  Keep an eye out for flyers and an introductory letter coming home to see how you can raise money and earn cool prizes for the kids.  The most important goals of this program are for students to understand the importance of helping others, as well as keeping their own hearts healthy! 



Did you know that all of the information on the WCS website can be at your fingertips with just a click of your phone? Download the RSU1 App and set your preference to be Woolwich Central School. You can also go into settings and turn on Push Notifications to receive real-time updates from our website, right on your phone! If you already have the app installed, be sure to check your settings to make sure that any recent updates did not turn off your ability to receive notifications! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office and we can help you get set up!


Covid-19, Influenza, Strep Throat, and now NoroVirus:  lots of stuff is circulating, and what is important is that we do not assume every illness is Covid.  Keep an open mind to these illnesses as well as others that could occur. If at any time you wish to discuss your student’s symptoms with me, please feel free to contact me. 

On February 18th, we will be having a fluoride varnish treatment and dental exam for any student who signs up.   This is the first time we have ever hosted this program! This is NOT the Dental Hygienist I have had in the past and will be having come again in the spring. This is in addition to that program. One important difference is that you may still participate even if you see a dentist regularly. A registration form was emailed out to families today. 

I am still collecting positive thoughts that perhaps your student has shared at home,  Positivity always RULES! Send them my way!  ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN, M.Ed

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


The Bath Area YMCA will be holding a Kids Night Out event from 4-8pm on Saturday 2/26. The event  is for students in grades K-5 and will cost parents $20/student ($10 for each sibling who wishes to attend.) The YMCA will offer swimming, rock climbing, board games, music, open gym time as well as pizza and popcorn. Pre-registration for this event is required. Please CLICK HERE for more information.


Merrymeeting Audubon is offering full and half scholarships for their 2022 4-H summer camps at Tanglewood, Bryant Pond, Blueberry Cove, and Greenland Point. Applications are due by April 9th. Click the links for more information!

CLICK HERE for the application 

CLICK HERE for the application instructions 

CLICK HERE for the poster