February 18, 2022
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 2/21 - 2/25 -February Break - NO SCHOOL 2/28 - 3/4 - Read Across America Week 2/28 - RSU1 School Board Meeting 6:00PM at MHS 3/13 - Daylight Savings Begins - set clocks AHEAD 1 hour 3/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3/24 & 3/25 - HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL (both days) 4/18 - 4/22 - April Vacation |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! This Monday, the 6th graders put on a mini-performance of the winter musical, “The Big Chill” for students in Pre-k through second grade. It was fun for the performers, and a great opportunity for the younger students to use their listening and attention skills as the audience. Everyone enjoyed a little bit of theater magic on our Monday morning! |
We will be celebrating Read Across America the week we return from break. This year there will be theme days, morning trivia, a Masked Reader contest (thanks, PTA!) and so much reading! We hope that lots of Wildcats join in on the fun.
Monday, 2/28: “Reading is Wild” (animal prints/animal logos/animal ears)
Tuesday, 3/1: "Reading is Everywhere” (clothing with school appropriate slogans and messages, please)
Wednesday, 3/2: “Reading is Creative” (it’s Wacky Wednesday!)
Thursday, 3/3: “Hats off to Reading” (wear a hat!)
Friday, 3/4 “Snuggle Up and Read” (schoolwide pajama day- SCHOOL APPROPRIATE PAJAMAS ONLY)
Congratulations to our basketball teams on a great season. The boys finished the regular season at 6-3 and made it to the Busline League quarterfinals. Our girls made it to the Busline League semi-finals and finished the regular season at 5-4. Both teams represented the community with good sportsmanship and strong effort. It was great to see them improve throughout the year and foster a love for the game!
This Friday we celebrated positive student behavior by holding Decades Day. Students and staff were encouraged to dress in the fashion of their favorite decade. CLICK HERE to see some of the fun!
Pre-K has enjoyed playing in our restaurant centers over the past four weeks, we have pretended to be waiters, waitresses, customers, chefs, and bakers!! We ended our restaurant theme with a visit to the WCS kitchen! Mrs. Wells was wonderful and gave us a tour of her kitchen! We saw giant pots and pans and we loved feeling the chill of the walk-in freezer!! Brr!! Thank you, Mrs. Wells!!
Enjoy your break next week! We’ll see you back here on Monday, 2/28/22!
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Bath Area YMCA will be holding a Kids Night Out event from 4-8pm on Saturday 2/26. The event is for students in grades K-5 and will cost parents $20/student ($10 for each sibling who wishes to attend.) The YMCA will offer swimming, rock climbing, board games, music, open gym time as well as pizza and popcorn. Pre-registration for this event is required. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
Merrymeeting Audubon is offering full and half scholarships for their 2022 4-H summer camps at Tanglewood, Bryant Pond, Blueberry Cove, and Greenland Point. Applications are due by April 9th. Click the links for more information, or contact Cameron Reny at creny@rsu1.org with any questions.
CLICK HERE for the application
CLICK HERE for the application instructions
On February 25th, 26th, and 27th Bath will be holding Winterfest! CLICK HERE for more information.