Blue four toe paw print


March 4, 2022

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


3/13 - Daylight Savings Begins - set clocks AHEAD 1 hour

3/14 - Middle School Floor Hockey Starts!

3/18 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

3/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences  

3/24 & 3/25 - HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL (both days)

4/11 - 4/15 - Eat the Rainbow Week! 🌈

4/18 - 4/22 - April Vacation


Great things are happening at WCS!

This week we celebrated Read Across America with trivia and special events each day. Students participated by wearing hats, animal prints, clothing with messages, and even pajamas all in celebration of reading. This year’s Read Across America theme celebrates “a nation of diverse readers” and recommends books and authors that promote diversity and inclusion.



We are looking for Woolwich children who will be 5 years old on or before October 15, 2022 to join next year’s kindergarten class. If you have a child who meets this criteria please call Mrs. Pratt at 443-9739 to sign up. Paperwork packets will be sent out after parents call in to register their student(s). 


If your student has received a COVID-19 vaccine, please send a copy of the vaccination card to Nurse Sherwood at You can take a photo of the card and email that, or if you’d like, we can make a photocopy of the card in the school office.



Welcome back, I hope you had a restful and fun vacation!  Parents/guardians: if you have had your child vaccinated against Covid-19 and you have not already let me know, please send me a copy of the shot record.  I keep these in their medical file and do want to be up to date with each student. Also, if your student takes any medication and has a change in dose, or prescription (either additions or deletions) would you please be kind enough to share that information with me? As we continue with changes related to the Pandemic, if you have questions, please let me know. If I do not have an answer, I will try to find one for you.  Thanks to all who participated in the Fluoride treatment for dental hygiene.  The hygienist will return in 6 months, so if you wanted to participate in that free exam/treatment plan but missed out, let me know and I will make sure your student is included in the next appointment.  ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN, M.Ed


We will be holding our monthly meeting on March 9th at 6 PM in the WCS library. We are discussing the completion of our Outdoor Classroom, and we'd love to see you there if this is a project you are interested in! 

We are also still looking to fill the treasurer position on our board! It isn't as scary as it sounds- we promise! If you are organized and able to donate a few hours of your time to a great cause, we would love to hear from you! Please send us an email at or come to our next meeting and talk to us about it in person! 



We are learning about the heart and the importance of keeping it healthy with our Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser.  Be on the lookout for a flyer coming home if you would like to fundraise!  It would be so awesome if you could work with your children on how to find their pulse on their wrist.  We will be doing all kinds of things to increase our heart rate and discuss what is going on in the body!  


Our Middle School students will be coming home this week with an intramural Floor Hockey permission slip.  Intramurals will start March 14th and a more specific schedule will be out once I get the rosters and the teams entered!  It should be a fun year, I know the students missed this a ton last year!  

BUS NOTES                               

 Bus students are dismissed first at the end of the day, and then parent pick up can begin. Please aim to arrive at school to pick up your child right at 3:00pm and not earlier. This will help to keep the buses on their schedule and will allow things to run smoothly. Thank you for your help!

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


The Bath Area YMCA is now accepting applications for its summer day camp program. The links below will direct you to their website for more information.

CLICK HERE for Summer Day Camp Brochure

CLICK HERE for link to Summer Camp Handbook

CLICK HERE for link to Summer Camp Enrollment Packet