Blue four toe paw print


March 11, 2021

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


3/13 - Daylight Savings Begins - set clocks AHEAD 1 hour

3/14 - Middle School Floor Hockey Starts!

3/18 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

3/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences  

3/24 & 3/25 - HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL (both days)

4/13 - 6pm PTA Meeting

4/18 - 4/22 - April Vacation


This Friday, select sixth-grade students accompanied Mrs. Joray on an exciting trip to participate in District III Honors Band! The students earned this commendation by practicing diligently on their instruments, and they celebrated their hard work by participating in a full day of rehearsals with other deserving students from area schools, culminating in a public concert at 6 pm at Freeport High School.  Go, sixth-grade students!!!  It is an honor to be chosen to participate and be part of something special.  


WCS conferences will be held in person on Thursday 3/24 from 12:00pm - 6:00pm. 

The deadline to sign up for conferences is 3/23.

This month we will be holding in-person parent/teacher conferences at the school. On the school website (and below) you can find a link to sign your student up for conferences. If you have a situation that would warrant a virtual appointment, please use the link to sign up and add the word VIRTUAL to your student’s last name. This will let the teacher know that they need to send you a meeting link. For example:

 If you do not have internet access, you can call the office (443-9739) and we will schedule the conference(s) for you, or answer any questions. Please click to schedule your appointment.     



Save the Dates! The PTA will be hosting two outdoor project days at the school to complete the Outdoor Classroom! Add April 30th and May 21st from 9-12 to your calendars, and plan to spend some time with your Woolwich friends while finishing a great space for all our students to enjoy!


Our next meeting will be held on April 13th at 6 PM. If you are interested in what we do, or in helping out with some of the projects and activities we have coming up this spring- we'd love to see you there! 



We are looking forward to the time when we can welcome volunteers back into the building on a regular basis! If all continues to go well, this could be as early as April! If you are interested in volunteering in a classroom, or on a field trip, please CLICK HERE to access the RSU1 Volunteer paperwork. 


Remember to check out the Lost & Found in the school entryway. We have a growing collection of hats, mittens, sweatshirts, coats & lunch boxes. We’ll do our best to return items with names to their owners and all remaining items will be donated over April vacation. 


We are looking for Woolwich children who will be 5 years old on or before October 15, 2022, to join next year’s kindergarten class. If you have a child who fits the bill, please call Mrs. Pratt at 443-9739 to register and to sign up for screening. SPREAD THE WORD!



I'm hoping that as each day brings us closer to spring we can feel a sense of hope and renewal.  Soon the grass will start to poke through once again, green and full of life, and we will somehow know that we made it through another winter in Maine.  Thank you for sending your students’ Covid shot records; I received many of them and will continue to thank you as you send them to me via email, or as a photocopy.  

I do want to tell you that head lice is present in school and while we are working hard on that problem, (and it is HARD WORK for all involved), remind your student:  

1. No head to head contact with others.

2. Do not wear others hats or scarves.  

Head lice do not jump, but crawl, so those two ways are the main modes of transmission.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns. ~Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN,MED

REMEMBER to set your clocks ahead 1 hour on Sunday, 3/13


In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


The Bath Area YMCA is now accepting applications for its summer day camp program. The links below will direct you to their website for more information.

CLICK HERE for Summer Day Camp Brochure

CLICK HERE for link to Summer Camp Handbook

CLICK HERE for link to Summer Camp Enrollment Packet