March 17, 2022
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 3/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3/24 & 3/25 - HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL (both days) 4/13 - 6pm PTA Meeting 4/18 - 4/22 - April Vacation 5/4 - Kindergarten Parent Info Night 6:00 - 7:00pm |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! This week, 3rd graders donned plastic gloves and set to work cleaning up the playground area at WCS. This was an initiative of the “Pollution Club” started by Mackenzie Elwell and Gwendalyn Lapointe. CLICK HERE to see some photos of environmentalists in action. We thank them for their kind service! |
WCS conferences will be held in person on Thursday 3/24 from 12:00pm - 6:00pm.
The deadline to sign up for conferences is 3/23.
This month we will be holding in-person parent/teacher conferences at the school. On the school website (and below) you can find a link to sign your student up for conferences. If you have a situation that would warrant a virtual appointment, please use the PTCFast.com link to sign up and add the word VIRTUAL to your student’s last name. This will let the teacher know that they need to send you a meeting link. For example:
If you do not have internet access, you can call the office (443-9739) and we will schedule the conference(s) for you, or answer any questions. Please click http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Woolwich_Central_School to schedule your appointment.
March 24th and 25th will be half days for students in grades K-8:
◈ K-8 students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm
◈ Pre-K students will be dismissed at 11:30 am both days.
Optional Masking has brought relief to some and raised anxiety levels for others. I am not writing this to say one side is right or wrong; I do want to talk about what is happening as we all choose to mask or not to mask. We have been wearing a mask now off and on for nearly 2 years. I believe that many of the germs we normally would have passed back and forth have been kept at bay due to the masking, and we may now see a resurgence of these once-common illnesses; like the common cold, sore throats, etc. I ask that everyone review the symptom tracker before you send your student to school each day.
This RSU1 guide still lists many symptoms that people consider to be common, yet need to be closely monitored. We truly wish for all students to be in school every day, and while not everything we see is COVID..... we still have to be careful. If you have questions please let me know. ~ Roberta Sherwood, R.N. BSN, M.Ed
Spring is Chickadee season! Our K-3 students are wrapping up our Chickadee Extravaganza. For the past 2 weeks, students have heard a Chickadee Award nominee read to them by a different staff member every day. After hearing all 10 Chickadee books, our K-3 students will have the opportunity to vote for a favorite next week. The Chickadee Award is a statewide program with the goal of helping students to develop an appreciation of outstanding writing and illustrations in current children’s picture books. Ask your own child about the books they heard and which is their favorite!
Attention Middle School Boys: WCS is hosting an Open Gym to try lacrosse! Don't miss the opportunity to try lacrosse at two upcoming "Open Gym" sessions. 6-8th grade boys who are returning or new to the sport are encouraged to stay after school on Tuesday, March 22nd, and Friday, March 25th. All necessary equipment will be provided. Take this opportunity to meet the coach of the combined WCS/BMS lacrosse team and give the sport a try before the season starts. Lacrosse is an exciting, fun game that combines the speed and athleticism of basketball, hockey, and soccer. Grab a friend and give it a try!
Congratulations to sixth grade Honor Band Festival participants, Mitchell Doak, Bella Bachman, Sophia Gregory, Ella Slusher, and Cameron Griffee, who rehearsed all day Friday and performed an incredible concert on Friday night in Freeport!
RSU1 will be holding an open house for the CHOICES Pre-K program on Thursday, May 5th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at the Woolwich Central School. This will be an opportunity for parents of incoming Pre-K students to learn about the program and ask questions. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Bath Area YMCA is now accepting applications for its summer day camp program. The links below will direct you to their website for more information.
CLICK HERE for Summer Day Camp Brochure