March 26, 2022
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 3/25 - Report Cards Go Home 4/11 - 4/15 - EAT THE RAINBOW WEEK 🌈 4/13 - 6pm PTA Meeting 4/18 - 4/22 - April Vacation - NO SCHOOL 5/4 - Kindergarten Parent Info Night 6:00 - 7:00pm 5/13 - NO PRE-K - Pre-K Conferences 5/30 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! This Thursday, Parent/Teacher conferences were held in-person at school for the first time since the start of the pandemic! The building was alive with teachers and families working together to plan for student success. Thank you to all of our families who do the work of supporting and nurturing at home. We are grateful to be with students on their journey each day at school! |
This week wraps up our Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser for the American Heart Association. We have doubled our goal, and are currently at $5,700… and counting! Thanks for your support of this great cause.
Eat the Rainbow Week will be happening the week before April Vacation. This is a long-standing tradition at WCS, and I am very excited to bring it back after last year’s hiatus. There will be a big glass jar in the office for a pocket change fundraiser, with funds going toward the purchase of healthy, color-themed fruits and vegetables for the week. We have an anonymous donor who will match any funds we raise from pocket change so every penny counts! This will provide students with the most possible fruits and vegetables to try for that week. There will be more details on the specific color for each day coming soon!
Lastly, Run Club permission slips have been given to teachers to be sent home! Let me know if you have any questions, but please get those in as soon as possible as I am expecting over 100 kids this year! All details are right on the permission slip! Thank you! Mr. Hutchings
We are bringing back the Running club for all students in grades K - 5, starting April 25th through June 2nd.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to access the permission form- forms need to be submitted by Friday 4/15 to participate.
K-2 will practice on Wednesdays 3pm - 4pm
3-5 will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3pm - 4pm
At the end of the season, we will hold a race at the Woolwich Central School on June 4th with a 9:00am start time.
Parents will also have the option to purchase a $20 T-Shirt for their students. The order form is part of the permission slip, but is completely voluntary (there is no cost to participate in Run Club.)
The WCS Lost & Found is located in the entryway to the building. We have a collection of coats, hats, water bottles, and lunch boxes that are looking for their owners. If you are missing an item, please have your student stop by to see if it has ended up with us. Parents are also welcome to stop in and see if anything belongs to their students. All items will be donated over April vacation.
Fourth and fifth-grade students across the district from the RSU1 Gifted and Talented program joined together at BMS on Wednesday for their third GATE Day of the school year. This year's topic of study is the brain. On Wednesday, students learned about our amazing senses of taste and smell, and the connection between our senses and the brain. They also learned the connection between those two senses! Did you know that your sense of taste is influenced by your sense of smell and vice-versa? Someone whose sense of smell is impaired will experience taste differently than the average person. Another interesting concept we learned about was "supertasters." Supertasters make up about 25% of the population, and as you may imagine from the name, these people will taste certain flavors, like bitter for example, stronger than other people! Do you feel like broccoli and coffee are super bitter? If you said yes, you might be a supertaster!
Square 1 Art Catalogs are here!!! Our art fundraiser is underway now! Be on the lookout for your child's catalog with a picture of the artwork they did on the front. These will be sent home this Friday. All of the items you may buy will bring money to the art room, that is why they cost a little more than you would normally pay in a store. We use this money to do some of the extra things, like 2 clay projects in a year, instead of just one. We also save some of this money every year so we can do unexpected things like getting a new kiln when the old one melts down. Thank you so much for all of your support! Here's the cool thing about this company: even if you choose not to buy anything, your child will still get stickers of their very own artwork in their packet!
CLICK HERE for more information.
This year, Eat the Rainbow Week at WCS will take place the week of April 11th. This week we will be learning about different fruits and vegetables and how they work to support our bodies. Students will have opportunities to try produce that they may not have had before and share in the enjoyment of a color-themed week. We will be asking students and staff to dress accordingly each day!
Eat the Rainbow Colors to Wear:
4/11 - Yellow/Orange
4/12 - Green
4/13 - Blue/Purple
4/14 - Red
4/15 - RAINBOW
We will be holding an information night for parents of incoming Kindergarten students on Wednesday, May 4th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. This will be an opportunity for parents to hear from our Principal, Mr. Libby, as well as the teachers, the School Nurse and to visit the classrooms. We will also be distributing enrollment paperwork and signing up parents for Kindergarten screening. If you are interested in on-site child care during this event, please contact Mrs. Pratt in the office at 207-443-9739 or by email at jpratt@rsu1.org
RSU1 will be holding an open house for the CHOICES Pre-K program on Thursday, May 5th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at the Woolwich Central School. This will be an opportunity for parents of incoming Pre-K students to learn about the program and ask questions. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
Bath Rec has a few items of note this week!
Enrollment is open for their summer day camp. CLICK HERE for more information.
If you or someone you know is interested in a summer job as a Rec Day Camp counselor, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Girls & boys in grades K-6 who may be interested in lacrosse are invited to a free lacrosse clinic being held at BMS on 3/27. Girls will meet from 1:30 - 3:00 pm and boys will meet from 3:30 - 5:00pm. Pre-registration for this event is required. CLICK HERE for more information.