Blue four toe paw print


May 27, 2022

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


5/30 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL

6/7 - Band & Chorus Concert 6-7pm

6/8 - Last PTA Meeting of the Year 6pm

6/10 - Last Day of School for Pre-K!

6/14 - 8th Grade Trip to Cow Island in Casco Bay-7:15am - 5:30pm

6/15 - 8th Grade Class Night 3-6pm: student vs. teacher kickball, pizza, games

6/16 - WCS Step Up Day

6/16 - WCS Field Day! Remember athletic clothing & water bottles

6/16 - 8th Grade Recognition Night at MHS - 6pm

6/17 - Last Day of School! Half-Day for students, dismissal at 12pm


Great things are happening at WCS!

We had our Open House and Art Night on Wednesday, 5/25. It was great to welcome families into the school and see all of our student artwork on display! We were also treated to a recorder concert by our 3rd & 4th-grade students. We thank students for sharing their joyful art and music with us!


Our fourth and fifth-grade students from RSU 1's Gifted and Talented program joined together at BMS on Wednesday for their final GATE Day of the year. This session focused on touch and memory. Students learned about which animals have the best sense of touch and what adaptation makes their sense of touch so superior. They participated in a variety of touch experiments, including drawing a word on a partner's back, guessing objects hidden in a box by their feel, and a two-point discrimination test using a paperclip as prongs. The afternoon portion of our day focused on memory.  Students learned why we don't have memories from when we were babies, discovered the amazing truth behind the proverb "An elephant never forgets," and then tested their own memory with a variety of experiments that involved lists of words, pictures, or an oral list of items. We discussed strategies for improving memory, including chunking, mnemonic devices, and making connections to other ideas. How good is your memory? Put it to the test! Thanks for a great year, fourth and fifth graders! 


On Thursday, May 26, Students in Mrs. Garland's and Ms. Gibbs' class participated in the 2022 Track and Field Special Olympics. Leading up to the big day, students practiced running different distances, long jump, softball throwing, and shot-put. Students were excited to take part in the Special Olympics again this year. They worked hard and earned ribbons throughout the day. A fun day was had by all. 



Are you remembering to check the RSU1 Covid-19 Pre Screening tool each day BEFORE sending your child off to school?  I would imagine many have committed it to memory at this point, however, I am still seeing children come to school who would not have passed the symptom screening test at home.  I will be happy to discuss this with you if you have questions.  CLICK HERE to review the pre-screening tool that we are asking families to use. 

~Roberta Sherwood, R.N., BSN,M.Ed



The State of Maine, represented by the WCS Odyssey team, won for best float in the Odyssey of the Mind parade.  CLICK HERE to see their phoenix float!



As the end of the year approaches, I want families to know that all library books will be due Thursday, June 9th. If you have a long overdue or lost book, it would be greatly appreciated if we can sort it out before then! Thanks so much.


Please stop in and check the Lost & Found, located in the front entryway. All items without names will be donated at the end of the school year. 


REPRINT due to last week's error: Our 6th graders had an opportunity to participate in an additional competition called the Great Maine Book Tournament. We learned the results of this digital state-wide competition and we're proud of our 3rd place finishing team! Congratulations to Bella Bachman, Cameron Griffee, Caroline Luchies, Cato Eich, Ella Slusher, and Sophia Gregory!



Competitive wages, Full time, 40 hours per week, year-round employment, paid holidays, excellent benefits package. Daytime Custodians starting at $19/hour 6:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Evening Custodians starting at $20/hour 2:00 p.m.-10:30p.m. Please submit a completed application to the Superintendent’s Office located at 34 Wing Farm Parkway, Bath, ME 04530 Attention: Dave Richards.



We’ll see everyone back in school on Tuesday, May 31 , 2022



In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.


On Saturday, June 18th, a community yoga class will be held in the MHS gym. There is a suggested donation of $25 with 100% of the proceeds going to the MHS yoga program. If you would like to donate and are not able to participate in the yoga class, please contact Johnna Stanton at