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Alaine Pinkham
Bookkeeper/ Secretary
Woolwich Central School
Kimberly Plummer
Kindergarten Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Beth Pols
2nd Grade Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Jane Pratt
Woolwich Central School
Sarah Sample
Kindergarten Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Leann Schwarz
3-5 Life Skills Ed-Tech
Woolwich Central School
Steven Shea
Gr. 6/7 Science, Gr. 6 Social Studies
Woolwich Central School
Kate Shearer
Ed Tech
Woolwich Central School
Clare Shumaker
Ed Tech
Woolwich Central School
Heather Sinclair
Science Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Melissa Small
Food Service Assistant
Woolwich Central School
Tracy Smart
Ed Tech
Woolwich Central School
Maureen Smenkowski
Grade 1 Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Katherine Smith
Grade 1 Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Elly Soper
Daytime Custodian
Woolwich Central School
Erin Sturgeon
School Counselor
Woolwich Central School
Catherine Vajda
Speech Therapist
Woolwich Central School
Kathy Vise
2nd Grade Teacher
Woolwich Central School
Krista Walker
Academic Interventionist
Woolwich Central School
Beth Waters
Grade 6-8 Ed Tech
Woolwich Central School