In May Graphic design students from BRCTC went to visit the Maine Maritime Museum to research a new exhibit, Shipwrecks and Salvage (Opened May 18th), and make design plans for a poster to advertise the new exhibit. BRCTC Graphic Design treated the museum as a business client. Students interviewed the museum’s Education Coordinator and Curator of Exhibits to determine the posters requirements, and tour the museum’s collections storage for inspiration. Throughout the visit students gained an understanding of the potential challenges of working with clients, hone their design skills, be exposed to the different careers at a museum, and gain an understanding of how cultural institutions connect with their surrounding community. Students submitted 10 posters for display at the opening reception of the exhibit last May 18th. After the instructor determined the top three submissions through a grading rubric, museum guests voted for their favorite at the reception. The winning poster, designed by Isabel Hilt, is on display to advertise the exhibit to the public.

BRCTC Collaborates with Maine Maritime Museum
June 10, 2019