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Jericho Adler
Pre-Engineering Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Elizabeth Baldwin
Culinary Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
David Beauregard
Criminal Justice Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Susan Beauregard
Health Science Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Ray Bernier
Carpentry Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Kelly Brochu
Graphic Design Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Jamie Carter
Welding Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Kathleen Clark
Applied Academics Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Timothy Gagnon
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Matthew Hamilton
Student Services Coordinator
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Landon Hixon
Electricity Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Neal Larrabee
Automotive Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Christina McCue
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Jillian Sawyer
Cosmetology Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Gretchen Sequeira
Early Childhood Occupations Instructor
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Julie Stone
JMG CTE Specialist
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
Angelique Tamburo
Ed Tech
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center