C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Pre-K Sites
Dike-Newell School
The Pre-K program at Dike-Newell School (DNS) is located at 800 High St., Bath. The Tools of the Mind Curriculum is the foundation of the program with the focus on the development of both cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation.
Opportunities for mature, intentional play are delivered in a warm, caring environment. Content is presented in an integrated, developmental way so that instruction in literacy, math, and science forms a coherent whole. Instructional strategies include child directed activities as well as teacher directed activities. The program encourages school home connections.
This site offers morning sessions 5 days a week: 8:30-12:00 M, T, Th & F and 9:30-12 on Late Start Wednesdays.
Please check the DNS website and Facebook page for more information for the start of the school year.

More Information
Katie Walker, School Secretary
Dike Newell School
800 High St.
Bath, ME 04530
Woolwich Central School
The Pre-K program at Woolwich Central School (WCS) is located on Nequasset Road in Woolwich. The Tools of the Mind Curriculum is the foundation of the program with the focus on the development of both cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation.
Opportunities for mature, intentional play are delivered in a warm, caring environment. Content is presented in an integrated, developmental way so that instruction in literacy, math, and science forms a coherent whole. Instructional strategies include child directed activities as well as teacher directed activities. The program encourages school home connections.
This site offers morning sessions 5 days a week: 8:30-12:00 M, T, Th & F and 9:30-12 on Late Start Wednesdays.

More Information
Jane Pratt, School Secretary
Woolwich Central School
137 Nequasset Road
Woolwich, ME 04579
Phippsburg Elementary School
Phippsburg Elementary School (PES) is a small elementary school located on State Route 209 in the coastal town east of Bath. The Tools of the Mind curriculum focuses on the development of both cognitive skills and social emotional self-regulation through play. Child directed as well as teacher directed activities with rich literacy and math components, as well as opportunities for movement and the development of physical skills are included. Students have the opportunity to visit upper grade Specialists each week in Art, Music, PE, Library and Guidance
This site offers morning sessions 5 days a week: 8:30-12:00 M, T, Th & F and 9:30-12:00 on Late Start Wednesdays.
More Information

Tammy Doran, School Secretary
Phippsburg Elementary School
Main Road
Phippsburg, ME 04562
The YMCA enrichment program offers a safe, caring environment where each child is encouraged to learn new skills, express him/herself freely and explore the environment. Through the Creative Curriculum teachers facilitate independence, self-esteem and problem solving skills. The environment is designed to promote social-emotional, language, cognitive, and physical skills. Children learn risk-taking and build self-confidence through the use of process oriented activities.
Individual and group activities as well as free and structured playtime comprise our day. Teachers observe, write anecdotal observations, and interact with children daily. The goal is to maintain a stimulating environment and meet the needs of each child at his/her own level of kindergarten readiness.
Accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
This site this program 5 days a week: 8:30-12:00 and follows the RSU1 Pre-K schedule. Additional childcare is available for a fee in E1 with E3 being a half-day program.
More Information

Annie Colaluca 443-4112
443-4112, x13 enrichment1@bathymca.org
303 Centre St
Bath, ME 04530
Bath Head Start
Bath Head Start is a comprehensive child development program which serves preschool children and their families. It is child-focused with the overall goal of increasing social competence of children in income eligible families. Head Start services are family-centered, following the tenets that children develop in the context of their family and culture and that parents are respected as the primary educators and nurturers of their children.
Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to income-eligible children and their families. OWL, Opening the World of Learning, is used in the classrooms. Children have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe setting. The focus of this program is to ensure that children are ready to start school while addressing all aspects of a child's development and learning.
This site is offered to income eligible students.
Classroom meets Monday - Friday, 8:30-2:30 and follows a different, but similar, schedule.