The Board of Directors welcomes participation at committee meetings by community members, and all meetings are open to the public. This committee meets throughout the school year. The schedule is to be determined.
The committee members include:
Central Office:
Patrick Manuel
Dennis Ouellette
Board members:
Patricia McLaughlin
Community members:
Alan Walton
William Perkins
Facilities Forums: If you were unable to attend any of the public forums about this topic, please feel free to email Patrick Manuel, Superintendent of Schools, at pmanuel@rsu1.org with your thoughts or questions about the report.
The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to review the needs for space, to develop a long-range plan for facilities and capital needs, and to make recommendations to the Board.
The Facilities Committee shall consist of no more than three members of the Board of Directors. The Committee will consist of two community members who will be appointed on an annual basis through an application process. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall serve as the administrative liaison to the Committee.
Conducts periodic reviews of school facilities and buildings, and reports to the Board.
Recommends additions, deletions or changes to facilities needed to support the school programs.
Conducts studies, reviews proposals, determines impact as to maintenance costs and usage and provides Board liaison to the administration on matters pertaining to security, space and community use of facilities.
Works with building committees and renovations committees as needed.
The Committee shall meet at least once per month during the school year.
Regular monthly meetings shall be scheduled one month in advance and notice of meetings posted as specifically required by Policy.
Special Meetings may be convened by the Committee Chairman, or at the request of the Chairman of the Board, upon 24 hours notice to the committee.
All meetings are open to the public, unless convened in Executive Session.
The presence of a majority of the members of a standing committee shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes.
Only the members of the standing committee may vote on agenda items. In the event that the chair of a standing committee is unavailable for a scheduled committee meeting, the members of the standing committee will elect one of the members in attendance to act as chair for the duration of the meeting.
For any matter on its agenda, a standing committee may by majority vote of members present, or by consensus, agree to make recommendations to the full Board. Recommendations may be in the form of a proposed motion and/or a report.
A standing committee may also forward a matter under discussion to the full Board with no recommendation.
Standing committee reports will be included as an agenda item for all regular Board meetings.
Any item referred to a standing committee by the Board shall be reported on at the next regular Board meeting.
The standing committee’s report should indicate work completed or progress made to date.
The report may include the recommendation for continued standing committee study.
The Committee Chair or designee shall provide a monthly written report to the Board at regular Board meetings.
Standing committee minutes are public information, subject to the Freedom of Access Law.
Legal Reference: 1 M.R.S.A. § 401 et. seq.