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Welcome to the RSU 1 Gifted and Talented department. Please visit our website linked above for more information and resources.
The Gifted and Talented teaching staff for RSU 1 is comprised of Ashley Hoskins, Katie Willis and Madison Burch. Each of us works in a number of different schools within the district.
The shape and scope of Gifted and Talented services in our district vary depending on factors such as grade level, group size and area of study. We work with students in grades three through eight. We primarily service students in a small group, pull out setting by grade level, providing differentiated instruction, accelerated or compacted lessons, or creativity based/problem solving units
For the identification of Gifted and Talented students, we most heavily consider the objective data of common assessments. According to the recommendations of Maine Legislation on Gifted and Talented Education, in order to identify a student one piece of subjective evidence (parent/teacher referral or observational data) is needed along with two pieces of objective evidence (norm-referenced or criterion-referenced assessments, such as CogAT and NWEA).
Beginning in second grade, teachers and parents are welcome to fill out a Gifted and Talented Referral Form if they suspect a child may be gifted. According to the Maine Department of Education, gifted children are those "who excel, or have the potential to excel, beyond their age peers, in the regular school program, to the extent that they need and can benefit from programs for the gifted and talented." This typically includes 3-5% of a student population.
In the spring of each student's second and fifth grade years, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is administered. This is a digital cognitive ability test. Ability, often referred to as aptitude or learning potential, demonstrates readiness to apply creative problem-solving skills and adapt to various situations and learning environments. The results of this test are referred to during the identification process. MAP Growth (Measures of Academic Progress) percentile rankings from the NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) are additional data points in the screening process, starting in grade 3.
Each spring the Gifted and Talented Committee meets to review nominees for GT services after reviewing their test scores and the comments and observations written about them by teachers and parents. During our universal screening process in grades 2 and 5, all student names are removed from the information being analyzed in order to maintain the anonymity of each candidate and ensure the objectivity of the process. According to the state mandate, it is permissible for each school district to identify up to 5% of their student population for Gifted and Talented instruction. Additionally, schools are permitted to identify up to 5% in visual arts and music combined.
When a student is identified as Gifted and Talented, they do not automatically carry that distinction with them until graduation. Each student who is identified will be reviewed annually to establish whether or not they should continue to receive services. In cases where a student is not showing adequate growth, is unable to accomplish work, or wishes to part ways with Gifted and Talented programming , she or he may be dismissed or furloughed. The criteria for re-identification is the same as that for original identification: one piece of subjective evidence and two pieces of objective evidence.
If any stakeholder (parent, teacher, student, administrator) disagrees with the dismissal or furlough of a student from the GT program, she or he can make an appeal. The GT staff will address question(s) and will look for evidence of student work/achievement for all parties to analyze. Depending on the results of the analysis, the student may or may not be re-admitted into the program.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact: