From Tori Dore, Morse Class of 2026:

The Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership 2024 Fall Forum was a great experience. After arriving in Bangor we had a quick breakfast before hearing Olympia Snowe speak along with other women who run the institute. The junior class headed into a big room where we heard two very influential speakers who were amazing, they had an amazing presence and brought so much positivity, and we learned so much. We received a lifetime supply of stationery cards and envelopes! We then went to lunch and heard a top 5 American idol singer, Julia Gagnon, sing “Rise Up” by Andra Day. It was incredible and touching, seeing how the junior class theme is voice. After breaking out again to the junior room we did networking and the most notable part was when we formed a circle on the outside of the room and listened to people's emotional wants and we all came together to validate that person, we spent a lot of time reflecting, the time flew by and before we know it we were back on the bus. We are very thankful for the institute and what we learned and did in just one day!

From Ily Perry, Morse Class of 2026:

My experience with the Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute has been nothing short of influential and impactful in my personal experience. The institute provides a safe space for young women of Maine, and gives an array of opportunities to every girl who has a dream. With our supportive and educated Olympia Leaders, we have contacts and powerful women here for us to talk to every month, and it allows us to explore our values, voice, and vision for ourselves. The OSWLI program is one of the most important things I have been a part of in my life. The concept of the institute is something I believe should become nationwide or even world wide if possible. This program has the power to positively change the trajectory of young girls' lives.