November 3, 2021
November 3, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Families and Staff:
The CDC has authorized the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11 years old this week. Vaccinating our children is the nex...

November 3, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Phippsburg, ME (October 19, 2021) - Phippsburg Elementary Schoo...

November 2, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Bath, ME (November 2, 2021) - The last day of Bath Middle Schoo...
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that we have a positive case of COVID-19 at Woolwich Central School. The individual was in school ...

November 1, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Bath, ME (November 1, 2021) - For students interested in learn...
October 30, 2021
We are pleased to share that we have been notified that our ECF grant application has been approved. The ECF grant application submitted by RSU1 provides a hotspot to households w...

October 29, 2021
Click here to read the Fall 2021 District Newsletter for RSU1. LINK :
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that we have a positive case of COVID-19 at the following schools:
Bath Middle School

October 28, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Bath, ME (October 28, 2021) - For 14 years, Kurt Spiridakis has...
October 26, 2021
October 26, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that an individual in the Fisher Mitchell School community has tested positive for COVID-19. The i...

October 26, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Bath, ME (October 25, 2021) - Fisher Mitchell School has taken...
October 21, 2021
Sign up for pooled testing. It is not too late and pooled testing is so easy! These RSU 1 kindergarteners, Myles and Finn, will teach you how to do it. If they can do it, so can ...
October 21, 2021
October 21, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that a member of the Dike Newell community has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual ...
October 14, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Bath, ME (October 13, 2021) - Phippsburg Elementary School rece...
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that another member of the Morse High School community has tested positive for COVID-19. The indiv...
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that an individual in the Morse High School/Bath Tech community has tested positive for COVID-19. ...
October 7, 2021
October 7, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Winter is probably the last thing on your mind on this sunny, warm day. However, I am writing to let you know that RSU 1 will be retu...

October 7, 2021
Media Contact: Lindsey Goudreau, Marketing Communications Specialist
(207) 443-8330 |
Phippsburg, ME (October 7, 2021) - On the front lawn of Phippsb...
October 4, 2021
October 4, 2021
Dear RSU 1 Staff and Families,
I am writing to inform you that an individual in the Dike-Newell School community has tested positive for COVID-19. The indivi...

October 4, 2021
Media Contact: Leslie Trundy, School Counselor
(207) 443-8250, ext. 3, 4 |
Bath, ME (October 4, 2021) - Twenty-nine Morse High School students have earn...