2/13/25 Thursday - No School due to the expected weather forecast.
24 days ago, Christina McCue
OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENT DATE CHANGE -- Once again, Mother Nature has other plans for us on Thursday.  We are rescheduling our evening open house to Thursday, February 27, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm.  Please let your current sophomore know about this change...again.  We are truly sorry for the inconvenience however we want all our future students and their families to be safe and not on the roads this Thursday night.  
26 days ago, Christina McCue
Today, Bath Tech honored students from each of our programs at our Student of the Semester breakfast. Bryce was our Student of the Semester for Criminal Justice AM program and he was joined at the event by Chief Booth. To see all the students we honored, please check out this week's newsletter on our website or Facebook page.
29 days ago, Christina McCue
Bryce and cheif
Due to the uncertain weather that is headed our way for Thursday, February 6, we are changing the date of our Open House to Thursday, February 13, 5:30-6:30 pm
about 1 month ago, Christina McCue
Where is Bath Tech staff today??? We are on the roadshow visiting prospective students at Boothbay Regional High School, Lincoln Academy and Wiscasset Middle High School. We are so excited to meet the next group of Bath Tech students and to answer all their questions.
about 1 month ago, Christina McCue
Bath Tech will host our annual Open House for prospective students on Thursday, February 6 from 5:30-6:30 pm. Current sophomores or other interested students will have a chance to visit classrooms, talk with instructors, and pick up an application.
about 2 months ago, Christina McCue
Open House
The house is finishing up at the job site...the guys are working on sheds inside...we love happy workers here at Bath Tech!!
12 months ago, Christina McCue
shed work
Do you want to watch the closing ceremonies for SkillsUSA tonight? Click HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzaX7s8gLCE
12 months ago, Christina McCue
No School Friday, March 15.
12 months ago, Christina McCue
no school Friday, March 15
Ever wonder about JMG Internships? This is Sebastian at his placement, Good-n-You Mobil in Boothbay. He attends his internship on Wednesdays and Thursdays. His boss, Ron, sent us this picture of him working on a car. Great job Sebastian!!
over 1 year ago, Christina McCue
student internship
BOO!! Culinary Arts is scaring up some haunted cupcakes today!!
over 1 year ago, Christina McCue
2 cupcakes
grave yard cupcake
web work cupcake
Congratulations to Holly Wild and Jenn Dobransky! As members of our Bath Tech Advisory Committee, their names were drawn to receive these beautiful cutting boards created in our carpentry workshop.
over 1 year ago, Christina McCue
cutting board 1
cutting board 2
Culinary Arts students have been working their magic making fruit pizzas today. Check out Rory's creation.
over 1 year ago, Christina McCue
Rory's Fruit Pizza
Set for Success! https://www.midcoastyouth.org/set-for-success/ Sunday, August 27, 2023 Location: Morse High School, 826 Shipbuilder Drive, Bath Admission is 100% free of charge and open to ALL RSU1 students Pre-K -12!
over 1 year ago, Christina McCue
Culinary Arts have been working very hard preparing for tonight's Morse Senior Tea!
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
sr tea
sweet treats
rows for senior tea
Congratulations to Dana Lord and Connor Robertson for their outstanding first-place finish today at the state Ford Competition in Augusta! We are so proud of you!!
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
ford competition
Our phones are up and working again. Thank you for understanding!
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
The Bath Tech phones are down. Please email cmccue@rsu1.org if you need to call out your student or reach the main office.
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Thank you to our graphic design students for making and applying the Bath Tech star to our mailbox!
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
graphic design 2
graphic design 1
Skills USA Ceremony Streaming Links If you are interested in seeing the Opening Ceremonies and Awards Ceremonies for Skills USA, please use the links below: Opening (March 16 @ 6:00 pm): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdlH1gkA3Ms Awards (March 17 at 5:00 pm): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyeQe1DB2LM
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
skills usa