Our Bath Tech instructors, are on the road today visiting Boothbay, Wiscasset, and Lincoln Academy to teach the sophomores about our programs.
almost 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Bath Tech Roadshow
Culinary Arts has been hard at work practicing their icing skills on some amazing holiday cookies! To see more pictures, visit our facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/BRCTCMaine/
about 2 years ago, Christina McCue
student hard at work
Because Morse is closed today, Morse HS students are not required to attend Bath Tech today. Lincoln, Wiscasset, Boothbay will all be sending busses to Bath Tech today for our programs.
about 2 years ago, Christina McCue
BATH TECH IS OPEN TODAY! Sending schools can still send their students today because Bath Tech is still open. Yes, Morse is closed...we are open.
about 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Thank you to all the people who contributed to the Skills USA gate collection at BIW! Your support of the trades and of our students is greatly appreciated!
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Skills USA gate collection
Morse High School & Bath Tech Open House Thursday, September 15 5-6 pm​ 826 Shipbuilder Drive Bath ME 04530
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Congratulations to Rylie Harper for competing at Skills USA Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia this past week. We are so proud that you qualified and were able to attend! We are sure it was an unforgettable event!
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Rylie 1
Rylie 2
Rylie 3
Congratulations to Mrs. Beauregard, our CNA/Medical Science instructor on being today's Teacher Appreciation drawing winner!!
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Here is Tuesday's teacher appreciation day winner! Mr. Landon Hixon, Electricity instructor! Congratulations!
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
This week is Teacher Appreciation week! We really love and appreciate our teaching staff at Bath Tech and we encourage our students to recognize the hard work our staff put in daily to ensure that our students are successful. Each day this week, we will draw a teacher's name and give them a special gift. Today's winner is Ms. Ruthanne Harrison, Engineering and Architectural Design.
over 2 years ago, Christina McCue
Watch your temperature carefully! Peanut brittle is being made in Culinary!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
students checking temp
Bath Tech has been visited by groups of eighth grade students from Bath Middle School recently. These students were able to visit all the Bath Tech programs, tour the new school, and ask questions of Director Kenny. We can't wait to see them as freshmen next year!!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
8th grade tours 1
8th grade tours 2
The ECE program is celebrating NAEYC’s week of the young child (April 2-8). The purpose of this week is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families. Many agencies in Bath and the surrounding communities are bringing attention to our local families by displaying signs and pinwheels. Families CAN supports communities and strong families to help prevent child abuse and neglect.
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
week of the child
We celebrated last night!!! Check out our newsletter (coming out later today) to see the SkillsUSA winners!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
olivia ad mom
Riley and mom
chef T and cake
Culinary Arts has been busy....California roll, fried rice, and cheesecake! Need we say more!!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
California Roll and fried rice
Some of our students have been meeting with a representative of EMBARK several times this year in an effort to be more prepared for their career/college plans after high school. Kaitlyn Schutt had her meeting today with Jess Gagne through Zoom. They talked about scholarships, Kaitlyn's new job, and talked about what classes she might be taking this fall.
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
student on zoom
Are you a junior or senior interested in a Bath Tech program for the 22-23 school year? Just fill out an application and then meet with your guidance counselor/student support representative. A link to the application can be found on our website (https://bathtech.rsu1.org/) or get a paper copy from your student support office!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
interested in applying to bath tech
Today, interested Bath Tech students attended a presentation by Liz Weiss of EJ Prescott. The purpose of the presentation was to inform our students of the advantages of the University of Prescott, Team EJP Apprenticeship program. Students who successfully complete this apprenticeship program will receive on the job training, health insurance, guaranteed job placement and a graduation bonus. To learn more about this program, please visit: https://www.ejprescott.com/university-of-prescott/
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
ej prescott presentation
Cosmetology is practicing today's skill...curvature and column shapes with roller sets!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
cosmetology student
Bath Tech, Morse High School and Alyse want to send a big "thank you" to Jamie Dorr and the MidCoast Youth Center for donating water bottles for students to use with our water bottle filling machines here in the building. THANK YOU!!!
almost 3 years ago, Christina McCue
student with waterbottle