REMINDER OF IMPORTANT DATES: Friday, February 12: Remote Day All Students February 15-19: February School Break Monday, February 22: Remote Day All Students Tuesday, February 23: Remote Day All Students Thursday, February 25: First day student day in the new school will be Cohort A Friday, February 26: The first day in the new school for Cohort B
almost 4 years ago, Christina McCue
Tomorrow, February 2nd, will be a traditional snow day. There will be no in-person school or remote learning expectations due to the weather forecast and the potential for significant power outages in our area. Thank you and have a nice evening. (Message from RSU 1 Superintendent, Patrick Manuel)
almost 4 years ago, Christina McCue
"There will be no in-person classes in RSU1 today, Thursday, December 17th, due to the weather forecast. Students are expected to participate in the remote learning activities planned for today. Please check Brightspace for instructions from your teacher. "
about 4 years ago, Christina McCue
11/6/2020 Bath Tech Newsletter is electrifying! Check it out! -->
about 4 years ago, Christina McCue
Boo! This week's Bath Tech newsletter is now available! Check it out! There are some important dates you won't want to miss! October 30, 2020 Newsletter -->
about 4 years ago, Christina McCue
10/23 Bath Tech Newsletter is now available -->
about 4 years ago, Christina McCue
Latest Update from Mrs. Kenny, Bath Tech, Director Click here -->
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
10/2/2020 - We have launched the weekly Bath Tech Newsletter! Check it out!!
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
BRCTC preschool has a few openings left for this school year. We will be running on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-1. Ages 2-5. Must be able to wear a mask. Please email Gretchen Parlin for more information (
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
child reading
Please join us in celebrating our new look. With the excitement around the new high school, we decided that it was time to update our name and logo. Our colors remain blue and yellow, and our official name is still Bath Regional Career and Technical Center, but now Bath Tech for short!
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
new Bath Tech banner
BRCTC Seniors 2020 who attended Morse!! Did you come and pick up your grad gift bag at Mrs. Kenny's office? Stop in this week 8-12 and say hi to Mr. Dorr, Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. McCue and pick up your bag which has your certificates, goodies and in some cards!!!! Tell your BRCTC senior friends!!!! (Wiscasset, Boothbay and Lincoln Academy, your bags were delivered to your home schools.)
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
gift bags
End of year professional development plans for BRCTC staff - combination of in-person and remote work - can be found at
over 4 years ago, Julie Kenny
Virtual Senior Awards Ceremony May 21. 2020 YouTube Live Stream
over 4 years ago, Christina McCue
virtual senior awards notification
Parents and Guardians - this survey was created by the RSU 1 School Board’s Distance Learning Committee in an effort to get feedback on distance learning. Results will be shared with the community. Thank you for sharing your feedback!
over 4 years ago, Dean Emmerson
Throwback Thursday - More VICA Students dressed for success at their competition!
almost 5 years ago, Christina McCue
VICA Student
VICA Student
Due to the uncertainty of the current pandemic, the CTE Summer Bridge for 2020 is canceled. If you were looking forward to this experience, I am sure this is disappointing news. Our staff are equally sad that they will not get the opportunity to engage with the incoming 9th and 10th grade applicants.
almost 5 years ago, Christina McCue
summer bridge logo
Throwback Thursday - VICA was student group that was active at BRVC back in the 90s but the scrapbook didn't have a year written on it. Do you recognize anyone here from a local businesses?
almost 5 years ago, Christina McCue
Students attending a VICA conference.
Students attending VICA conference
Students attending a VICA conference
Throwback Thursday - Here are some miscellaneous photos we found from the 1998-99 scrapbook.
almost 5 years ago, Christina McCue
1998-99 photos
Throwback Thursday - Childcare in 1993 - We wonder how many have classrooms or childcare centers of their own now?
almost 5 years ago, Christina McCue
Childcare 1993
Application deadline extended! Students who still wish to apply to a BRCTC program for the 2020/21 school year still have time! You can now make a copy of the Google Doc application on the website and complete digitally. Please contact your school counselor for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Julie Kenny