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Anita Brown
Board Member - Arrowsic Residence
Board of Education
Kimberly Burgess
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Central Office
Debra Clark
Business Manager
Central Office
Melissa Cole
Food Service Director
Central Office
Maureen Craney
Finance Assistant
Central Office
(207) 443-6601x114
Jamie Dorr
Board Member - Bath Residence
Board of Education
Lou Ensel
Board Member - Unrestricted Residence
Board of Education
Megan Fuller
Board Member - Unrestricted Residence
Board of Education
Katie Joseph
Assistant Superintendent
Central Office
Beth Kaser
RTI Coordinator
Central Office
(207) 443-6601x115
Kim Kendall
Special Education Secretary
Central Office
Patrick Manuel
Superintendent of Schools
Central Office
Patricia McLaughlin
Board Member - Phippsburg Residence
Board of Education
Dennis Ouellette
Facilities Director
Central Office
Sarah Rent
Director of Special Education
Central Office
(207) 443-8293x111
Jennifer Ritch-Smith
Board Member - Woolwich Residence
Board of Education
Robby Soares
Maintenance Technician
Central Office
Kurt Spiridakis
Board Member - Unrestricted Residence
Board of Education
Terrence Tardif
Maintenance Technician
Central Office
(207) 443-6601
Joshua Tardiff
Maintenance Technician
Central Office